Is this love?

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Ayse looked at Kerem with doubts in her eyes and a flicker of hope. "If he but said a word, I would stay for him......"

 But when he phone flirted with Nermin their lawyer and his ex-girlfirend, while booking an appointment to finalise their divorce, her blood boiled over. Every hope was snuffed and in its place was an unbelievable rage. She stomped off to the bathroom to calm herself down.

Ayse was uncertain if what she felt for Kerem was love. Strangely it felt so different from what she felt for Burke. She enjoyed Burke's attention and company. In those days when getting out of home even to go for a walk in the neighbourhood required Buse's company as an excuse, being able to sneak out for a drive in Burke's car felt like heaven. They were friends, best friends even to the point where she saw him as her boyfriend and had committed her life to him. But he let her down so badly. She trusted him and he broke her heart. And how- by sleeping with her best friend on that frightful day when she was desperate for his help to save her from being written off to Sabri. What a disgusting oaf !!Should she expect anything different from Kerem? Wasn't sleeping around with women his claim to fame? But to be fair he upheld his share of their deal at least for the most part by staying off the 'clubbing and sleeping around' scene while they had been together. How she wished he hadn't spent the night at Volcan's place with Ebru though. He did wander back to her mother's home to pick her up that night but the shameless guy had the nerve to say he had finished his business early. Ayse sensed herself getting angry and uncomfortable. Wonder what he saw in these liaisons. Wonder if he would stay faithful to one woman- if he ever could stay faithful. Wonder why he behaved like that all these years. What was it that drove guys like him. Ayse felt an extreme distaste and quickly ran to the tea room to grab some water. Kerem was there quickly refilling his coffee cup. Kerem usually found it so exciting riling her up but today he felt lost. He was  hoping Ayse would stay on and who knew what it would all lead to. He loved the way she stood by him when he left his dad's home after his arrest for assaulting Muammer. 

He thought they had something in common. He trusted her and here she was walking out. Thank God he did not let her in on the fact that he had torn up his divorce application. That would have been a loss of face for him. Rich smart handsome Kerem Yigiter-

"I don't fall for girls- they fall for me"

" I am not the one going to be ditched and rejected here- I will show her that I'm just as uninterested"He saw her walking in to the tea room and his heart skipped a beat. She looked as beautiful as ever except the light was gone in her eyes. He could sense it but he also felt a big wall between them, something that he couldn't cross to reach her, to touch her, to make her feel she was his."Ayse...", he mumbled.She walked past without even realising he was there. He could not handle being ignored. He wanted to be her special somebody and here she was giving him the cold shoulder as though he was nobody. He dipped his eyes and acted uninterested as he shuffled out of the tea room.Ayse was lost in thought-what she felt for Kerem was strangely deeper than any such feeling for anyone. But she hesitated to call it love. "I'm infatuated by his charm. Thats it"." What a stupid useless cheap piece of rubbish I have become to want to live my life hanging on his arm". "God forbid, girl- what about my dreams. All these lies can't go in vain".

As she looked up she caught Kerem in the periphery of her vision walking out looking uninterested- her heart went on a spin. "Maybe I do want to live with him all my life""Maybe I can't imagine a life without seeing his crazy smile everyday" But where was it today? It wasn't there for her anymore.How precious it would be to be part of the inner circle of people he cared for ! She did not have that reassurance though.Much that Ayse hated Yelda and the way she treated her, she saw Kerem's relationship with Yelda as something he valued immensely. He valued and loved his family, even when he was deeply annoyed or insulted by them. Even when Muhsin amja castigated him for beating up Muammer and Kerem left home and was desperately looking for a job he did not sign up with Ryfat amja - he could but would never hurt his dad.Kerem was a fair man, a guy who had scruples and integrity in some areas. The day rolled on painfully with hardly much spoken between them even on their drive home and when they went to sleep- Kerem on the couch and Ayse in the big bed.

Early the next day before coming to work they made their way to see Nermin and finalise their plans to go ahead with their divorce. Much to Ayse's chagrin Jayda was roped in as a witness to keep the matter under wraps as much as possible without involving anyone who did not already know about their fake marriage. When the day of the hearing dawned Kerem and Ayse landed up at court trying to look all cheerful while feeling like a truck had run over them. Kerem tried his best to read his fake wife's face but got nothing as Ayse held it all in. She kept telling herself this nightmare would end soon. She and Kerem would be free to go their own ways. She would go to uni and build her life. She would create her happiness.The judge saw them and heard their statements but denied their stated wish as she felt they didn't have enough basis for divorce. She sensed they had something beautiful between them. She had read the media reports about them and in fact felt proud to see them beating societal stereotypes to be true to their stated love. She had been surprised when their divorce file landed on her table recently. But , she approached the case telling herself she had to be fair and not let media influence her decision. Besides who knew what they were behind the glare of media.

however, seeing them barely holding themselves in, while arguing to be divorced, she felt something was amiss. Volkan looked so nervous and the lawyer and Jayda looked like they stood to gain something from this. 'And for such a big decision, where were the rest of their families, their elders? Who was going to support Ayse?'

 She felt that Kerem and Ayse were up against vultures seeking to rip the fine fabric of their relationship and maybe they were also confused. Nothing like time to sort some of these things and so she decided to buy them some time.

And when Jayda tried to push the argument further the judge asked her to shut up and directed Kerem and Ayse to meet a marriage counsellor before returning for a rehearing. As they walked out of court, Nermin was furious. She spurted that their bumbling in court made them lose today. But she would see this through. And she mused 'who knows she and Kerem would be a item again'. He was rich and handsome, why not?

Kerem was distraught about the divorce but hoped like hell he would get some time to set things right. He kept peering at Ayse as he drove. While he couldn't read her well he thought she looked relieved more than angry. He felt a strange sense of calm when he realised Ayse didn't want the divorce as well. 

Driving back home he wanted to pull over and kiss his wife senseless till she agreed to stay. But he wasn't confident -Ayse could in fact beat him up. He was certainly a bit of a chicken when it came to testing the waters with her. All his confidence with women amounted to nothing with her. She intrigued him and he didn't want to force his way. He wanted so badly for her to respect him. He calmed himself by thinking the judge had given them some time. He would try and figure out what he wanted. And maybe what she wanted too. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2020 ⏰

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