Where is Mimi?

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When they got there, the werewolf was wearing a costume and turned out to be a beautiful princess with white and pink hair and gold high heels that are real gold, with light blue earrings and a blue dress. she welcomed him to the palace and said " Welcome to Rondo, this is were me and Ronzo live. by the way my name is Mimi." "Who is Ronzo?" Leo asked. "Ronzo is my pet chimpanzee" said Mimi. Mimi said she was going to go get some food so if he needed her she would be at the shop just around the corner. Mimi took a while so Leo went to look for her and he couldn't find her at the shop. He started getting worried. Mimi was actually at the palace wondering we're Leo was so Leo went back to the palace and there she was. Leo asked Mimi what the key was for and Mimi said "you used the key to get through the portal, it's normal if you forget that you used the key because it's happened a lot of times."

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