Chapter 1

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Widow's POV...

Fuck, fuck, fuck. Why did I think that loving my best friend despite her bad choices in men would ever not be a bad choice? I put my face into my hands. This is a fucking mess. If only she had listen to me when I told her to not get him a key.  

"Oh, you're just being paranoid. I trust him, and he hasn't hurt me in any way." She had said at time.

Stupid twat. Now look at the damn mess we are in. Three got damn dead bodies now liter this cheap, crappy motel room. One was the boyfriend, and the other  two are John Doe's. Currently, she's rocking back and forth next to the bathroom door, horrified at what we had to witness. Sadly, this didn't affect me, I've gotten too used to decaying bodies and blood spattered rooms. I sigh, I guess I should be grateful that we didn't get caught up in the cross-hairs because if we did, there would have been five dead bodies instead of just three. I lift my head and look at her.

"Sea shell look at me." I calmly say.

She turns her eyes  towards me.

"We will be fine. I have a safe place for us to go to."

She sucks her teeth, still rocking back and forth.

"Yeah? Where could we go? John Doe number 2 over there said that his people would find us matter how far we go. What is the point of hiding?" Shell said

I scoff.

"Who fucking said that we would be hiding? Nah, what we're doing is regrouping and getting some back-up. Let me call one of my brothers to get this guys to clean this mess up so that we won't have 5-oh up our asses." 

She nods her consent and I ring up my big brother. The line rings for about a good minute before someone picks it up.

"Who the fuck are you calling my boyfriend at two in the morning?"  A bitchy female voice said.

"A bitch that can end your relationship." I reply.

She scoff.

"Oh so you're a homewrecker are you? Well I'll have you know nothing could my Joshy away from me."

I raise an eyebrow.

"Is that so? What do you know about him?" I ask.

"He has no family, well he doesn't talk to anyone about having one."

"Uh huh."

"And he likes oranges."

I shake my head at this, poor dumb ass girl. She didn't even his easiest dislikes. No oranges for this guy. Hates the things with a passion.

"Please just put the man on the phone."

The line goes silent and I hear some shuffling as the phone. I hear my brother grunt when he gets the phone.

"What the fuck do you want?" He rudely ask.

"I require your help, brother of mine."

"Widow." His voice perks up and now he sounds like he is fully awake. "What do you require of me to do?"

I bite my bottom lips. How could I put this without him losing his shit? Got shot at and now have three bodies to dispose of? Need a hideout? Can't say that I'm in danger or else I risk the chance of being wrapped up in bubble wrap for the remain of my life.

"Let me put it to you like this, a meet up took a turn for the worse leaving me with the need for some help to clean up three bodies and some where to hide out for an undisclosed amount of time." 

Quickly, I remove my ear from the phone.

"What the fuck do you mean you need help to clean up three bodies?" He bellows. "You know what fuck that. Give me five minutes and I'll be there in twenty."

He ends the call without a goodbye. Well fuck I'm screwed, I picked the wrong brother to call. Should have called Mitchell. At least he wouldn't have flew completely off the handles. Right? At this point I couldn't be to sure about that. Hold up wait. How in the hell is Dwight going to get here? The man doesn't even know where I'm at. Lifting my phone to call him back I see a incoming call from Mitchell. I accept the call.

"So tell me, baby sis, how did you and Shell find yourselves in such a pickle?" He calmly asks me, without a proper.

I roll my eyes.

"Well, hello to you to Storm-barer." I say.

I hear him exhale from his nose.

"Do not fuck with me right now, Widow. There are many things I can and will tolerate but my family's well-being in danger is not fucking one of them."

Uh oh. Look who is now heading bubble wrapped world. This girl. I suck my teeth.

"Do you want the full story or the short version?"

"Give me the version that will least likely make me lock you in a room for the unforeseeable future."

I shrug.

"Easy enough. Shelly has shitty taste in men. Latest boyfriend stole from the cartel and the cherry on top is, he was also an abusive piece of shit."

"I'm following, now explain the bodies."

"Okay, so the plan was to meet up and have shit boyfriend return the money. An easy simple exchange, but that went to hell as soon another party entered the Fray. Low and behold we discover that he stole from another large crime group that was not disclosed to us. The three start a shot out, all three end up dead."

He huffs.

"Well shit, at least you didn't shoot anybody."

That is a small miracle in hindsight. Yet with how bad things went I don't currently think that.

"Tell me how is Dwight going to find me if I didn't tell him where I was?" I ask Mitchell.

"Simple, by tracking your phone."

From hearing this I remove the phone from my ear. He's what now? I can count ten times over the amount of fingers I have about how many times I have told them not to use tracks or anything of that nature to stalk me.
I inhale through my nose. They have better me lucky that this was an  emergency. Otherwise, they would be getting an earful.

"How long will it be before he gets here?" I ask.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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