I will Save you ✨

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Michael POV
    I couldn't believe it he was depressed because of me, I broke him. I don't deserve his sweet Love. I don't deserve to be my Mate. He charged at me while saying "I HATE YOU!!" The final knife stabbed in my heart I was guilty. He then stabbed me in the stomach then pushed me down the cliff, I couldn't see anything it was all black.

David's POV
   "Cap, Where are you?!" I shout for him no answer, The I smelled blood realization hit me 'DID HE GET HURT?!' I ran and followed the scent.
I look to where it is and I found Michael on the ground bloody.

    "Cap!" I shout 'I have to bring him ba- wait this wound it's a stab!' I ran as fast as I can back to the house "What happened to him?!" I hear Brandon say "He needs treatment!" I replied

~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~
     No POV

The 2 other sins were beside there captain waiting for him to wake up
They were both tired until...


      "Ugh... My head...."

To be continued 🙏

Sorry it's short.


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