Chap 1. Exchange program

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~Elina Point Of View~

I quietly walked the street of our tiny little town. It wasn't big, and everything was close together. As I walked down the street towards the center of town, I look up to see my closely woven group of friends.
"Hey guys!" I yelled happily at the group of four as I jogged up to them. We all decided that it was time to head to school, or we would be late.
We chattered as we walked, but once we got there, a flyer on the wall caught Rachel's attention. It was advertising the yearly exchange program, but locations would be picked at random.
"Hey guys, look at this!" Rachel called, waving us over to examine the price of paper. There was a table set up underneath the flyer with a sign up sheet and a pen.

~Three Days Later

"Good morning class!" Our teacher said in her signature happy and angelic voice.
"Good morning Mrs. Summer," We all said in unison, just like every other morning.
"So we have selected Elina, Rachel, Gabriel, Gracie, and Kaitlyn to be the exchange students for Paris!" She announced, pointing at the table that my friends and I sat at.
My eyes widened in surprise. I didn't even know French worth a shit! But I signed up for this when I didn't read where we were going.

~Timeskip After School Brought To You By Tem Flakes~

After class, we decided to just go and pack up our stuff, and hope that one of us know French or is willing to learn it. Just as I was done, I heard a knock at my door. I got up and started heading down the stairs to see all four of my friends on the couch watching TV. I should really stop giving them my houses keys...
"Are we ready to go?" I asked, catching their attention.

"Yup! Our flight leaves in an hour, so let's head out." Rachel's voice chimed as she leaned over the back of the couch, grinning widely at me. I nodded and walked over to the door, holding my suitcase in my nondominant hand, but as my hand reached for the doorknob I stopped and turned to face Rachel, my brow furrowing in confusion.
"Wait, how do we already have a flight?" I asked and Rachel let out an "oh!" of realization and she smacked her forehead with the heel of her palm, her brow furrowed.
"Riiiight, I forgot to tell you guys." She said, and the group looked at her expectantly. "My cousin and uncle live in Paris, and they're like, super fucking rich, so I called them and they sent out their private jet."
Gabriel had a look of disbelief, but didn't say anything.

As we walk to her private jet bored as hell. When we got to the airport we saw a clean jet with a golden rimming to it. Me, Gracie, Gabriel, and Kaitlyn look in shock then at Rachel. "YOU DIDN'T TELL US THEY WHERE THIS RICH!?!?" Me and Gabriel yelled at the same time. Rachel laugh and just started to walk into the jet and we did the same.

~At Paris brought to you by LadyChat~

We look around to see so many interesting places. "So we each got somewhere else to live because." We all nodded and took out the slips that had the person's address where we were supposed to stay at. "I got a baker family with a daughter called Marrinate! Cool!!!" I yelled walking away.

~No ones point of view~

Rachel of course staying with her uncle and Cousin. Gabriel got paired with this guy named Luka who will be staying with. Kaitlyn got paired with this girl named Alya who she'll be staying with. And finally Gracie got paired with the mayor's daughter Chole. They all went to there respective locations.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2020 ⏰

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