Chapter 1: M0th3r

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"Activate core functions." A voice reverberated around the sterile white room, the tiles acting as amplifiers. "Model B-4-M-B-1 please respond." The Mecha's large eyes flickered open for the first time. This robot had deer-like facial features and delicate horns sprouting from its head.
"Good morning, Doctor." She responded, tilting her head up to look the technician in the eye.
"How do you feel?" The person asked.
"Allow me to run a brief diagnostic." B4mb1's pupils dilated as she ran a self-test. "Everything is as it should be."
"Very good. Please stand." B4mb1 followed the instruction and rose from her seat. A door swung open and a female Mecha entered. She was a 'Fantasy Bot' just like B4mb1. But she appeared to be older. She smiled at the young machine. The tattoo on her neck read 'M0TH3R'.

"This Mecha will be your mother, Bambi." She will look after you and teach you how to fulfil your duties here in Emerald City.
"Hello child." M0th3r said cheerfully, extending a hand for B4mb1 to take. She took it gladly and replied,
"Pleasure to meet you, mother."


B4mb1 spent weeks observing m0th3r take care of human children of all ages. From babies, all the way through to young teenagers. She learned what to do through watching. In the fifth week, B4mb1 was allowed to interact with the children herself. She would feed them, bathe them, clothe them and play with them. Her m0th3r would give her praise and B4mb1 quickly impressed the technicians and scientists with her adeptness in her role.

"She is ideal for this position. I see no need to continue with the outdated model."
"I agree, the older one is due to retire as soon as Bambi finishes her training curriculum."
"With the right upgrades, she would be perfect to care for the General's children. Didn't their last Mecha..."
"We're not supposed to discuss what happened!"

"Well done, child!" m0th3r said to B4mb1 after a long day of practical training. "Soon you'll be given an assignment of your own and you can go out into the world." B4mb1 smiled.
"What's it like up there?" She asked tentatively, thinking of what the world above might look like. M0th3r laughed.
"Well, it's very green. It is called Emerald City after all." She saw the worry on the young one's face and she gripped her hand tightly. "But do not worry, you'll receive an update with all the knowledge you need before you are transferred up there." She pulled B4mb1 in for a forbidden hug and ran her hands through the smaller Mecha's hair. "I'm so proud of you."


"Congratulations unit B-4-M-B-1! You have successfully completed your Mecha Childcare Training Program and will be transferred to a working position immediately. Please sit." The technician gestured to the chair in the centre of the room. "It is time for an important update." B4mb1 smiled and sat down willingly, moth3r taking a seat by her side. Another technician plugged in a yellow cord into B4mb1's neck port and gave her a fake smile.
"Update initializing..." The tech behind the desk reported as they pressed a key on their keypad.

B4mb1's vision went black and her head drooped. A few minutes passed as the update was installed, then the cord was removed and her eyes opened again. She turned to smile at m0th3r to see she wasn't beside her. She was laying on the floor. All feeling of joy faded.
"What is wrong with my mother?" B4mb1 asked, her head tilting to the side as she tried to analyse the situation.
"She is obsolete now, she has been deactivated." The tech said calmly. "She will be disposed of shortly. Her services are no longer required."

"No!" B4mb1 protested, getting up and rushing to m0th3r's lifeless frame. She grabbed her by the shoulders. The Mecha she had looked up to for months. The one other being she felt comfortable around. She wasn't responding. "MOTHER!" She cried.
"Freeze all motor functions." The technician ordered and B4mb1 froze, as if they had pressed the pause button. Two guards entered the lab and they began to drag m0th3r out of the room. Although B4mb1 couldn't move, she fought against her programming. Screaming internally for m0th3r to come back, to not leave her alone.

But it was too late. M0th3r was gone, and B4mb1 never saw her again. 

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