Chapter 1

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I looked back at the reflection in the mirror as I slapped my curls back, trying to put them into their "normal place" as I usually say. Slowly, I slipped on my glasses and blended in the last blob of foundation dribbling down my face before clicking on my watch and taking one or two deep breaths in.
"Cassidy, you can't mess this up." I thought to myself while putting on my blazer and leaf-green tie.
I grabbed my toothbrush and hurriedly started scrubbing away- "fast, Cassidy FAST!"
I looked at the time. 1:15pm. Shit. I spat out the foam in my mouth before looking up into the mirror and noticing the huge stain of toothpaste on my shirt. DOUBLE SHIT. I ripped off a tissue and soaked it under the water before harshly rubbing on the paste. Yep it wasn't going anytime soon.

Quickly, I threw the tissue away, rushed downstairs and ate a croissant impatiently looking at the time. I tapped the table. Then fiddled with my fingers. And looked at the clock again. 1:20pm. TRIPLE SHIT. I grabbed my keys and rushed to my hopeless, rusty car before remembering to lock the door and rushed back.

That was a close one. I started my engine and raced away, passing all the emerald plants that bursted with life. Only I wish I was as fast as I said I was. The engine of my car exploded with smoke over and over again making the wheels fail. For goodness sake.

I slammed the door of my car shut and ran as far as my legs could carry me. I can't lose this chance. I just can't. Suddenly, a vibration continuously buzzed in my pocket and I let out a scream.

"Seriously!! I swear I'm going to murder the idiot on the other side of the phone!"

I stopped running and looked down at the name of the person who was calling. Linda. I slipped my phone back in my pocket and carried running. That thick headed woman wasn't going to make me lose this job. Especially since it was my first day. Oh hell na. Linda is my landlord. I know what you might be thinking. Why didn't I answer her call? Well, I don't have time to be listening to her complaining about me not giving rent. Last time when I actually answered for once, she cut off my electricity because I hadn't paid her. Typical landlords. But honestly, at this point I couldn't give two craps. I guess it's just a little surprise for me when I return to see what she's done this time.

After 10 minutes of running, i finally reached my destination. The ice cream parlour. You guys might've expected some fancy ass hotel or business but no. I might be possessed if I actually think I'd ever get a job in a filthy rich place like that. I looked at my outfit and the workers inside. They were all dressed in the classic jeans and a top and here I was looking like the next Donald Trump. For f-.

Just chill out Cassidy. It's nothing. It's not like I might lose this job because they think I have no sense of style. Nope. Everything's fine.

I pulled the door open but it wasn't opening up. I tried again. Maybe it was a sign from God that I didn't belong in this place. Maybe, who knows. I heaved the door back again but it wasn't budging one bit.

"Just open up will you!!"

I tried once more this time getting on my knees and pulling it with all the might I had. I give up. I stood up and turned back ready to leave before the door suddenly opened.

"Ummm.... Ma'am?"

I turned back and saw a little girl who looked about 7 glaring back at me. Her hair was perfectly straight resting on her shoulders and her brown eyes somehow gave me a comfort throughout my body.

"It says push not pull...."

A river of embarrassment flushed throughout my body. I coughed and scratched my hair before saying thank you and finally entering into the building. Everybody was looking at me like I was some kind of demon. I mean I wouldn't argue with them.
I'd think the same thing if a 21 year old couldn't read a sign and had toothpaste all over her.

I walked up to the checkout and told the worker I was here to start my job. She nodded at me before giving me a pastel pick apron and I walked my way behind the counter. So this is what it felt like back here. I admired all the flavours of the desserts: chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, bubblegum, Oreo, Mint chocolate and so much more. There were crunchy golden cones to all kind of syrups and sprinkles ranging from all the colours I could ever name. Woah.

"Ummm.. Hello?" A customer questioned clicking her fingers in my face.

"Ah... Yeah... Hi, hello how's your day going?"

She gave me an odd look before telling me her order. God I'm so dumb.

"Here is your chocolate and strawberry cone with a flake and chocolate syrup- it will be £2.25 please."

She gave me that look again.

"For God sake, are you having problems or is it just me? I said a single chocolate scoop."

"Right, sorry ma'am"

She rolled her eyes at me and I felt rage throughout my body. My heart dropped down to the core of my body pulling all the strings that came with it. Why can't I just get it right?

"Here you go. £1.25"

She slapped the money into my hands and I felt like punching her right into that face of hers.

"Next time, you could be more polite."

I gave her the look as she walked out of the shop. Hopefully, I don't mess up for the rest of the day....

Authors note: hello to the person reading this story! This is the first ever written piece I've ever published. The first chapter might have been a bit boring but I just wanted to kind of introduce the kind of character she is. This story will be uploaded every day. Thank you to everyone who reads!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2020 ⏰

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