chapter 7

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When Amaya woke up the next morning Bonnie was in the kitchen sitting at the table. She looked up to her god daughter. "I trust her but i don't trust that she won't get herself killed in the process she's a maryter she'll sacrafice herself for anyone." And she knew that Elena would do anything to get both of her daughters.

"We can do this?" Amaya knew that they were going to be able to get it done. Bonnie grabbed the Grimore and went to the designated spell and started it.

When she finished she looked to Maya. "There it'll be gone for the next 24 hours."

Maya used her super hearing to make sure that the spell worked and it had. She no longer heard her heartbeat. "Lets go make a plan."
They were now at the originals house again and it was time to make a plan. They had to make sure that they did it right.

Stefan was confused to why they all had to be there. He was confused to what they were about to do and why all of a sudden they were all buddy buddy with the originals. "Whats going on?"

"My mom's keeping secrets about me." Maya wanted to know what her mother was hiding. She needed to know what it was.

Jeremy was confused he was sure that they had already figured it out. "I thought we already knew that that she didn't tell anyone."

"Not that one a different one Katherine's here meeting my mom and were going to intercept it." They were going to intercept it and find out what it was Elena was hiding.

"Did she make your heartbeat go away?" Klaus knew that the plan would be of no use if they could hear them coming.

"Yes. You can't hear it now who's doing this we don't need too many people coming or were screwed." She knew the more people the likely they were to get caught.

Bonnie knew exactly who they needed to bring for this to work to their advantage. "Well Kol and Maya are going for sure she won't hurt you two." And she knew how much Maya wanted to be their if only she knew what she was walking into.

"Who else is going?" Maya asked she was sure that her aunt had already thought the plan did like she did most times. She had no clue that Bonnie had an entirely different plan in the works.

"Elijah for Katherine Klaus will kill her on the spot and we kind of need her alive." She knew that if Klaus came the plan would get messed up since he was the strongest original so Elijah was their best bet.

"So just to be clear were saying my dad Bonnie Elijah and I. That is it?" They had to do this right. 

"Yeah." Bonnie nodded.

"Don't you start school today?" She did pay attention and she may have been trying to stall for just a few more minutes. She knew that Elena needed it for it to work.

Amaya ran her hand through her hair shaking her eyes. "Of course you would be the only one that would remember that i am supposed to start school."

Bonnie nodded she knew that was such a Caroline thing to not forget something like that. "Caroline has a good memory for some reason."

"I can go back to being homeschooled like i was for the last 13 years." Amaya really didn't want to go to school she would much rather have it continue how it had been going.

(Rewriting)Amaya And Amiyla Gilbert-(MIkaelson) - KolenaWhere stories live. Discover now