Tsuzuru Minagi X Reader Fluff

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Again this story is inspired by one of Tsuzuru's original background stories. There will also be a kiss in this one! All the background you need to know is that you're waking up Tsuzuru for a meeting since he passed out after finishing the script. Like usual. (Also sorry this chapter is a lil late forgive me UwU) Also don't forget requests 💕

~Your Not My Little Bro...~

I gingerly knocked on Tsuzuru's door reluctant to wake him up. "Tsuzuru? Are you awake?"


"I'm coming in" I gently turned his doorknob and peeked in praying I wasn't interrupting anything. "Tsuzuru?" I took a quick glance around his and Masumi's room not seeing him anywhere. I looked up at his loft bed and sighed.

Annoyed, I kicked off my flats and began to climb the latter to Tsuzuru's bed. Though, I couldn't stay angry for long. He was sprawled out on his bed in his pajamas. Tsuzuru face was peaceful and...almost cute. I smiled and rested my head on my elbows that I propped up on his mattress.

The way his chest rose and fell in rhythm with his soft breathing made my heart ache. "Sleeping like a baby" I bit the inside of my cheek and furrowed my brows at the thought of disturbing his dreams. "Hey, wake up" I gently poked his blanketed leg. He mumbled something and pulled up his covers

"Tsuzuru! Heeeey! Tsuzuruuuuu! We've got a meeting" I cooed. When he didn't respond a second time I pulled myself up onto his bed and shook him lightly. Maybe he was just pretending to sleep.

"Sakyo's waiting, you know. Wake up or suffer his wrath" I shook my head in mock sympathy. Tsuzuru snored louder and rolled over. I grinned ear to ear at my wonderful idea.

"Here we go!" I leaned forward on my knees and grabbed the end of his blanket ripping it off with all my force. I tumbled backwards knocking the wind out of myself. Perhaps I should have thought my plan through more thoroughly. Tsuzuru remained motionless.

"What!?" I shouted rising up from my back.

"Hey, don't do that..." Tsuzuru muttered in a commanding tone and reached around himself searching for a blanket and instead found my hand. He gripped it tightly and pulled me forward towards him.

"Huh? Tsuzuru?" I whispered my voice an octave higher than normal. His tone sounded different than when he normally spoke to us. More informal.

"Your big bro is tired" He rubbed at his eye with his free hand and kept a grip on my wrist. "Lemme sleep a bit longer" Ahhh. He's still half asleep. He must think I'm one of his little brothers. I smirked.

"Wake up! I wanna play!" I shouted leaning in close to Tsuzuru face keeping the higher octave. Tsuzuru's eyes snapped open and his grip on my wrist loosened.

"W-wha?" He rubbed his eyes and sat up on his elbows releasing my wrist. "(Y/N)?"

"Morning!" I grinned still hovering above him.

"G-good morning?" He raised an eyebrow confused. I sighed and rolled my eyes dramatically biting back a smile and backing away from him.

"I know your tired, big bro, but we've got an important meeting"

"Oh, oh man..." He muttered in embarrassment. The tips of his ears turned red and his cheeks flushed pink. "Oh man, oh man. This is super embarrassing." He hung his head in shame. "I was totally half-asleep there, wasn't I?"

"Ready to get up, big bro?" I kept up the act pulling on his arm.

"Haha, very funny" He looked down annoyed then his head snapped up immediately with an evil grin. "All right, I'm up." He shot up from his spot and made his way towards the latter. "Thanks for waking me, honey"

"Honey?!" I blushed and scrambled after him.

"Oh, sorry" he brushed off my surprise sarcastically. "I'm still half-asleep it seems" He turned around and looked up towards me once his feet hit the ground. Tsuzuru threw up his arms in a shrug.

"R-right" I mumbled starting to climb down the latter.

"Here let me help you. Honey" He pushed the nickname. I crossed my arms.

"You can stop Tsuzu. I'm perfectly capable of climbing down myself" He reached out his arms waiting. "Fine" I sighed. I dangled my legs off his bed and reached my arms out embarrassed. He stepped forward completely pleased with himself.

I slid forward from the bed and placed my feet on the ladder. I grasped Tsuzuru's shoulders firmly and his hands slid up my thighs to my torso and finally under my arms. I shivered at his soft touch and let out a small whimper.

Tsuzuru blushed at my reaction. I quickly pushed myself off the bed and into his arms. He wrapped his hands around my waist and I buried my head into the crook of his neck. He chuckled.

"Jeez" He muttered in my ear. "I almost dropped you" He set me down gently and fixed my hair. While I was slipping on my flats he spoke up.

"Anyways, I did sleep pretty well" I looked up and grinned.

"You really did. I never imagined you'd mistake me for one of your brothers in your dreams."

"I'm really sorry" he apologized. "That's how they always used to wake me up" He looked away nostalgically.

"It's alright you don't need to apologize. Just don't mistake me as your brother in real life" I waved a mock angry finger at him. "Plus, now I know what a good big brother you are"

Tsuzuru was taken aback at my compliment. "Y-you're just exaggerating" Odd. I reached out grabbing Tsuzu's hand.

"I mean it" His aqua eyes glistened.

"I really miss them (Y/N)" He mumbled bringing my hand to caress his cheek.

"I'm sorry" I ran my thumb across his cheek stepping in closer to him. "If I could snap my fingers and make them appear for you, I would"

"Thanks" He dropped my hand and pulled me into a tight hug. His thank you was simple but it meant so much more. "I could never mistake you for one of my little brothers" He chuckled in my ear.

"Hmm?" I leaned back from the hug in confusion.

"Your too beautiful" He smiled and ran a thumb over my lips. I gulped and averted my gaze. We were excruciatingly close. "(Y/N)? Can I?" He breathed wetting his lips. I nodded sharply not letting him finish his sentence.

He leaned in slowly, caressing the back of my neck. His lips gingerly touched mine once. Just a quick peck. My heart raced. He backed away a questioning look on his face. I giggled and threw my arms around his neck.

Once again, I pressed my lips onto his. This time it was a longer more passionate kiss. He attempted to pull me closer but we were already flush against each other. I parted my lips in the kiss and let out a small whimper.

Tsuzuru tensed at the noise then slid his tongue across my lower lip begging for entrance. I parted my lips slightly wider and-

"Ahem" A gruff cough interrupted us. "Enough already" Sakyo stood at the door looking embarrassed. Tsuzuru and I shot apart from each other and spoke at the same time.

"It's not what it looks like!"

"We were just..."

"Yeah, yeah! We have a meeting!" Sakyo stormed off.

"Sorry" Tsuzuru and I muttered in unison following on his heels.

"I'm kissing you as soon as that meeting ends" Tsuzuru whispered huskily in my ear as we left the room. I ran a hand across my puffy lips.


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