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Once Annabeth talked to the statue man, we decided to just hover over the land instead of actually landing the ship. My heart did flips in my ribcage when my eyes met a young man in a purple shirt who had shaggy raven hair and bright sea green eyes. He was incredibly handsome, and according to the picture Annabeth showed me, that was my fiance, Percy Jackson.
My breath caught in my throat at the thought of kissing him passed through my mind.
"Annabeth? I'm so horribly nervous." I panicked as my stomach dropped.
"Just relax, the right thing to do when you see him will come to you." She soothed.
"And if I throw up or faint?" I asked.
"Then may the Gods have mercy on your soul." Leo grinned as I punched his arm as hard as I could.
"Here, let me help, let's go get you into something... less wrinkled." Piper said as she took my arm and dragged me into the bedroom that I was staying in.

She helped me brush the knots and tangles out of my hair before pulling it into a side braid with a few loose curls to frame my face

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She helped me brush the knots and tangles out of my hair before pulling it into a side braid with a few loose curls to frame my face.
"There, now you're ready." She said as I nodded and got up to walk back out with her and climbed down the ladder onto Roman soil.
Once my foot touched the ground, it was like my memory had been wiped and I knew was that I had to get to Percy. I didn't know who I was, nor where I was, all I knew was that the pain in my head would only stop once my lips touched his. I stumbled gripping my hair.
"Ariannah? What's wrong?" A girl with blonde hair asked.
"Who?" I asked.
"Uh oh." The elfish kid sighed as the blonde boy next to me grabbed my arm to keep me on my feet.
"Percy!" A girl yelped as everyone turned towards him and my head snapped up.
"Who are you?" He asked.
"Percy!" I called his name trying to get this over with as everyone made a path for us and I locked onto his eyes.
"Aria." He said as my body took over making me run into his arms and kiss him and everything came rushing back to my mind. My name is Ariannah Rosabella Marie Summer, adopted daughter of Zeus, who made a promise to live as long as my soulmate on each Earth.
"Percy." I whispered as I pulled away and hugged him.
"I know, I missed you too." He pulled me close and the sent of sea salt hung around him making me feel at home.
"Are you Roman, Amazonian?" Reyna asked me.
"No... my name is Ariannah, nice to meet you." I smiled politely at her even though she tried to steal my fiance, but now it's water under the bridge.
"I've heard quite a bit about you." She said as I nodded not really knowing how to respect to that before she turned to Octavian. I was just happy to be back with my Percy once again so I zoned out until the food was served. I had a fruit salad in front of me with some yogurt drizzled over it and it tasted amazing. I was just about to take the last bite when a cold feeling of dread washed over me.
"Ari? Are you ok?" Percy worried.
"My books... I have to find them before someone else does." I whispered as he nodded. I kissed his cheek before I got up and went over to the bathrooms so it didn't look suspicious. I patted myself down until I felt something tiny but hard in my right pocket if my shorts. I let out a sigh of relief and pulled out the Mark of Athena and skimmed through the pages until I found where we were, and where we were heading. I gulped as someone snuck up on me and snatched the book out of my hands.
"What's this?" Octavian asked.
"Don't!" I shrieked as he opened it at the front of the book.
"Ohh! Reyna will love this!" He grinned before he ran and I sprinted after him.
"Give it back!" I panicked. The more he reads, the more danger he'll put us in. "Stop!"
"Reyna! She knows the future!" He yelled.
"Stop!" I panicked as I jumped and flew In front of him. "Give. It. Back." I growled as my hands lit on fire and he jumped back.
"She's trying to kill us all!" He shrieked as I tried to snatch the book and he read further before he dropped the book with his eyes wide.
"You moron! You could doom us all!" I barked as I grabbed the book and willed it to shrink.
"What is going on!?" Reyna barked at us.
"She's going to kill us, it says so in the book." He said.
"No it doesn't! You weren't supposed to read it!" I exclaimed as his hands shook from fear.
"Where's the book?" Reyna asked.
"With all due respect, I cannot give it to you." I said backing away from her.
"I need to read it." She said.
"Reyna, she's telling the truth, no one can read it, it tells the future, but knowing that could possibly kill us all." Percy said coming to my aid.
"Then I must know." She said as she held out her hand.
"No, you need to kill her! Before she kills us! She has too much power! She's dangerous!" Octavian whimpered as he hid behind her.
"I don't like saying this, but I'm the princess of love and family everlasting, I can't die even if the Doors of death were closed, not forever at least, I always come back. It's a long story, but I'm here for a reason, and that reason is sill beyond even my knowledge. But you must know, I mean none of you any harm. I was brought here to help where I can and try to help people understand and prepare for what's ahead." I sighed as she looked at me and as flower crown just appeared on the top of my head.
"You really are... I apologize, your Highness." Reyna bowed to me.
"No need for that. Please, call me Aria." I smiled softly as she rose and shook my hand.
If you snap your fingers in front of his eyes, the memory of the book will disappear. The voice of  Riodan said softly in my mind.
"Octavian, come here." I said softly as he waddled over to me. "Look into my eyes." I said as his cold eyes met mine. I knew from the moment he started shaking that he was faking, but his eyes just proved it for me. I quickly snapped my fingers in front of his eyes and pulled back.
"What was that for?" He asked with a bit of anger laced in his tone.
"Do you know what happened in my book?" I asked.
"What do you mean? What book?" He snipped.
"Huh, so it did work." I said amused at my own ability.
"What did you do?" Percy asked.
"Riodan told me I could erase his memory of the book if I did that... and it worked." I said as he nodded.
"Can I show Piper around?" Jason said trying to take the edge off everyone, but obviously he couldn't see that, that one question probably irritated Reyna more then words can say.
"Fine." She said hiding her pain behind her eyes.
"Can I show Ari and Annabeth around?" Percy adds.
"No." She said.
"Sorry?" He asked.
"I need to talk to Wisdom's daughter." Reyna said before Annabeth nodded and followed her and Percy showed me around.
"To be honest, Percy, I think Octavian was just being dramatic. He dropped the book only turning a few pages, and that was one of the peaceful moments." I sighed as he entwined his fingers with mine.
"I kinda figured, he's always so dramatic." He laughed before cannons started going off and my head snapped up. I groaned but we ran towards the Argo II just as Octavian was dangling on the rope trying to get down.

After a while we all decided to get on the ship and Percy tackled Leo And Annabeth flew us out of there.

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