Chapter 6

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Two weeks passed by quickly and then before Team knew it a whole month had passed. Team had gotten to know Win more and they were really close now. Well all of them were.

Team started calling Win Hia and all other's were Phi now. All his brothers didn't understand why all of a sudden he stopped calling them Hia, but they never asked why. It was something that started on their lessons when Team had a hard time understanding and instead of saying Win it became Hia instead. Team loved Win's smile when he called him Hia, he was kind of shining brighter and smiling bigger. Win called Team Uan (means Chubby), since he had puffy cheeks, it was something between him and Win. They understood, no one else had to.

During this week's session Win told Team that he wanted him to stay with him Friday night.

When Friday rolled around Team was nervous. Because during him and Win's tutor sessions after and before school this week, they've been close to kissing twice but was always interrupted by their phones ringing.

Once by Sean and the other by Mean. After they were interrupted they just went back to normal. Acting like nothing happened. 

But then during practice they didn't have much time to socialize with each other, it was just training and even more training. They both could feel the attraction towards each other. Especial since they had been kind of cuddling together when they were watching movies at Team's house these past two days together with his brother, cousin's and Joong.

Win had stopped himself countless of times not to ravish the young boy, thinking of him as poisoness, but it became harder and harder to ignore every time their eyes met. 

Win even got problems in his lower regions every time he had seen Team's naked back this week. Of course it didn't help either that they've pretty much been cuddling while watching movies at Team's house, while his brother and cousin's were there. This had ended with Win in his room and a bottle of lube beside his bed.

Team on the other hand kept dreaming about Win instead, which of course made it hard to face him eye to eye, but he manned up and continued on like nothing was there.

Team had also signed up for a room, and he was lucky because there was one room left at the dorm across from Joong's doorm. Sean was a little unhappy because they had told Team that they couldn't just sign his brother up without his ID. So Sean had to do it himself and when he got the time to do it, he was last in line, so it might take him 3-6 months before he gets a room. While Team could move in to his room after three weeks. Since that was three weeks ago, he would move in tomorrow and on Sunday.

Team was happy about that because that ment no more Sean watching over his back. But if he knew his brother right, he would ask someone else to watch over him.

Sean needed to find a girl, period. Then he would focus on her, instead of Team, and what he was doing. Sean was the only one of the brothers that were straight, all the others were bisexual.

Team sat by their table now with everyone gathered since the day was over. It was like they all became a big gang. Well Win, Mean, Dean, Nine, Plan, Saint and sometimes Pharm being Dean's boyfriend, was the old members. Now that the youngsters and Sean had started, their gang expanded. So now it included Sean, Perth, Joong, Team, Mark, Krit and Manow as well.  

Team was looking around trying to find a girl that maybe his brother would like. He looked to his right seeing Plan sitting in Mean's lap as they acted lovey dovey while eating. Mean had been able to ask for Plan's forgiveness again, they fought alot so what it was about this time, who knows. Now they were all over each other. Saint said that Plan almost drove him nuts complaining about missing Mean. So finally he accepted Mean's apology. Perth and Saint were sitting holding hands deciding on were to go for their date. They weren't official yet, but they didn't date other people.

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