Casting a Circle

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What is a circle? What does it do? Why should I do it?

A circle is basically something that you cast to protect yourself from what you are summoning or the magic that you are doing. Circles are a great and easy form of protection to do and use. Casting a circle will not only protect you, but it will also direct and strengthen your abilities, therefore making your spells, ritual work, and any other Wiccan practices much more accurate and reliable. However, nobody is forcing you to cast a circle, and if you feel that it is unnecessary, then you do you!

What ways can I cast the circle?

There is no set way to cast a circle, as not every way works for every witch. One way that works tremendously well for one witch might not work at all for another. It honestly just depends. That is why it is so important to continue on your journey and practice your own ways of doing things to figure out what is right for you and your specific wants and needs. 

What can I use to cast a circle?

Like I said before, there is no set right or wrong way to do things in this practice, and therefore there is no set right or wrong thing(s) to use to make the circle. Some more common items, however, are stones, crystals, salt, twigs, and much much more. Some people will even make their circles metaphorically, and some people cast theirs by using the elements. There is no set way to determine how you should cast your circle, but it generally will depend on what you feel is right. If you feel that you should cast your circle with rocks, then do it! If you feel you should cast your circle with seashells, then do it! Just do what you feel is right and what you trust will work for you. There may be multiple thing that you feel are right to use in your circle, and that's just as great as feeling like there is only one. Just use what you feel is right and what strengthens your circle.

Should I use different things depending on the spell or events?

You can if you would like. I, personally, do not, but that is just my way of practicing.

Sharing Time : How I cast a circle

DISCLAIMER: How I practice is not how everyone practices. This way may not work for you, but it works for me. I am sharing this because I think it could help some confused baby witches. 

1. Figure out where the directions are (North, East, South, and West)

2. Place objects that represent the direction's respective elements

North = Earth

East = Air

South = Fire

West = Water

3. Point your index finger (or wand) towards each representative object and say, "I call upon the Guardian of __*direction*__ and the element of __*element*__ to watch over this sacred circle". Do this for all four corners. (DO THIS CLOCKWISE)

4. Show respect towards the Guardians, acknowledge their efforts, and thank them for their efforts and protection.

5. Place objects in between each of the four corners (for me it's seashells).

6. Point your index finger (or wand) up to the sky and say "I call upon the Spirit of the Universe to watch over this sacred circle and to fill it with peace, love, and divinity." Show respect to the Spirit as well and thank the Sprit just as you did with the Guardians. BE RESPECTFUL.

7. Say, "I cast this circle for my protection. Keep negativity out; let only positivity, love, peace, and guidance come in." (DO THIS CLOCKWISE)

8. Imagine all of the Guardians' elements coming together to form a dome around you and your space. Give a nod of respect to them.

9. Once you're ready to close the circle, repeat "Thank you Guardian, go in peace and love." to each corner (COUNTERCLOCKWISE). Then say "The circle now fades away." (TURN COUNTERCLOCKWISE AGAIN). 

Again, this is just the way I cast my circles. Everyone practices differently and I am in no means telling you to follow the same procedures I do. Feel free to find your own unique way to cast circles. You can even not do them at all. Follow your beliefs and your path. Nobody should be able to dictate your personal practices and/or beliefs, so embrace them.

With that being said...

Stay safe, stay witchy, and blessings be!

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