Part 22

46 0 4

Dare #1
Submitted by: Rogue_5
The dare was: I dare Jiro to horribly flirt with Mineta.

Jiro- Guys. Don't.. don't make me.. please.. no..

Denki- I-- a dare is a dare...

Momo- I'm sorry...

Sero- RIP.

Jiro- ugh..

Midoriya- I'll get you whatever you want if you do this.

Jiro- Deal!

Mineta- I heard my name!

Jiro- *sigh* That's right baby. Because we were talking about you..

Mineta- I-- uh-- you were? I mean.. of course..

Jiro- I'm always talking about you. It's all I can do..

Mineta- C-cool...

Jiro- I just wish you would use your quirk to trap me so you can do whatever you want..

Bakugo- What the?!

Mineta- Well if you insist~-

Jiro- But I just want to smell all of your clothes and add them to my shrine..

Mineta- Uhm...

Momo- Someone please... this is nasty..

Jiro- God.. I just love you so much.. I want to just.. keep you forever... in a tiny... purple.. box..

Mineta- Look hot stuff... I think you're cool and all, but uh..

Jiro- What? You don't love me?! How could you!?

Mineta- I uh.. I got to go... water my fride!

Jiro- huh? Yes! I meann.. No! Please, stay with me! Forever!!

Mineta- Sorry hun--

Jiro- fine.. I'll watch you tonight anyways. :)

Mineta- *runs away screaming*

Momo- I-- uh-- I'm scared..

Kaminari- Me two..

Sero- Me three..

Jiro- You guys know it was only a dare though, right?

Kirishima- It was pretty convincing dude..

Midoriya- Even Kacchan is a bit frightened..

Bakugo- I AM NOT.. I'm just.. startled..

Iida- Uh... I don't think we should stay in here any longer.

Tsuyu- Mhm. *kero* Bye.

*and scene*


Sorry that it was short! I didn't know how else to make her flirt since I'm not an expert at that.. at all. Anyways, hope you enjoyed it.

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