a cute smile☺️

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(Cheesey chapter🧀 but fluff
and 'xx' will mean time skip)

I woke up from the sun shining through the currents.
I felt my arms gently wrapped around a slim waist, I slowly leaned up leaning onto my elbow. I realized who I was cuddling. Noen...oml we are naked >///<

Me and Noen just met on tour a few days ago, but has been online friends. And I've liked him for a while now.
And thankfully god gave me an beautiful angle to call mine~

He looked so peaceful in his sleep. How his lips were slightly parted, his soft platinum hair falling on his face perfectly, his faded pink cheeks. He is so beautiful.

I smiled to myself as I layed back down, still having my arm around him I kissed the back of his neck gently.
He slowly moved and turned around to face me, his eyes slowly fluttering open and adjusting to the light.

I smiled softly and he smiled back, he placed his arms behind my ears and softly kissed me, I kissed him back and felt him go onto his elbow so he was kinda hovering over me but still beside me.

I smiled once again after he broke the kiss,
"Morning cutie" I said putting my hand on his cheek,
"Morning babe~" he said then layed back down, he put his head on my chest, I rubbed circles on his waist, he looked up to me and smiled.

He then giggled,
"Babe?" He said through his cute asf giggles,
"Yeeeesss" I said looking at him,
"My back hurts" he said with a cute laugh. I blushed.
"Sorry-" I said, he giggled again.
"It's fine babe- besides...I enjoyed last night, no regrets." He said smiling, his smile was too cute it made me laugh.

I went back into my elbow so I was leaning over him a little, I connected our lips.
His lips fitted perfectly with mine, how our lips move in sync sent shivers down my spine.
I slowly broke the kiss and smiled at him, he smiled back.
Oml why is he so fucking cuteeee.

I pecked his lips quickly before getting up. I checked the time, it was 8:54, we still had 2 hours until the bus arrives for our next stop.

Tour is tiring ngl.
But I'm with my baby so I'm happy.

He sat up beside me,
"Wanna go for a shower" he asked with a cute smiled plastered on his face,
"Of course bubba, we didn't go for one last night after I made u mine. so I think we should" I said bitting my lip then giggle and giggled along with me.

He gently grabbed my hand and walked us to the bathroom, turning on the water and getting in.


We got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around our waist, we walked into the room once again and got dressed.

He wore a baby pink croptop sweater with white writting on it that said "Babe~" and black ripped jeans followed along by black and white shoes.

He looked so cute in crop tops~
Well to correct myself he looked cute in everything.

I wore a classic eboy outfit.
But a little bit of a soft eboy.
I wore a black a purple sweater that had a "😈" in the middle of it, with black ripped jeans and chains followed with black shoes.

I went over to him and kissed his cheek,
"Your cute-" I said bitting my lip looking him up and down,
'well ur hot" he said kissing me, I kissed back. I could help but smile through the kiss.


Me and Noen went out for breakfast. After we ate we walked back to our hotel,
When we got in I kissed him, he smiled and layed on the bed, I smiled and layed beside him.


I got a message from Trent our manager saying the bus would be here in 30 mins, we got up and packed our things.

Soon 25 minutes pasted and we were walking down to the lobby, we waiting for the bus along with others on tour with us.

The bus arrives shortly after and we got onto the bus, me and Noen obviously sat together.
A few minutes after the bus started moving Noen put his head on my shoulder, I heard soft and quiet snores from him, I smiled and interlocked our hands, I rested my head on his and drifted off to sleep.


so I updated😂 hElLo?!

Anywho this was cheesey asf🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭.


This is so true^^😂

♡↝~~Chœn ØneShøts~~↜♡       Chase Hudson X Noen EubanksWhere stories live. Discover now