Chapter 17: The Rematch Begins

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Naruto's POV

"Hello Peter." I said walking closer to the shocked boy

"Ho-how do you know my name, wait how did you find me?" He asked shocked backing up

"Not that hard to tell when you're talking to an AI. Now how and why are you here." I asked

"I don't know, I was fighting the Rhino when everything went black." He said a bit scared

I was about to say something when something really impossible happened. Sasuke appeared with his sword drawn, but Peter had his mask on, but caught his sword.

"Gotta be faster than that." Peter said pushing him away

Sasuke was about to attack again when, "Stand down Sasuke."

Sasuke looked a bit off, but nodded his head in understandment.

"Let's talk at the guild Peter, they won't hurt you. Ok?" I asked

He nodded slightly. I looked over at Sasuke sheathing his sword.

We walked back to the guild to see everyone talking about the games or about the previous events that have unfolded a few moments ago.

Everyone looked in our direction.

"Hey everyone." Peter said breaking the tension

Makarov raised his hand, "Naruto we've been discussing about Peter."

"So what are we gonna do with Peter?" I asked

"We'll figure out how to send him back to his universe, but for now he's welcomed to stay. Keep him out of trouble Naruto." Makarov said

I looked over at Peter who was talking to Grey. Till Natsu and Grey started fighting ending with the whole guild fighting. I sat down watching the whole guild fight. Sasuke and Mira sat at the bar talking ignoring the fight. Till Elfman went flying in there direction. Sasuke's instinct went off roundhouse kicking him away. I died of laughter. Till I heard a certain pink haired boy behind me.


I smirled, "WATER DRAGON'S ROAR!!!!"

I cancelled out his breath attack. He looked a bit angry and I just stood there.

"Round 2 Dragneel." I said and everyone stopped fighting

"Round 2, let's take it outside." We walked outside followed by everyone else seeing how everything was gonna play out.

I stood across from him crossing my arms and he just smirked.

"This time I'm gonna win." He said a bit too cocky

"We'll see." I said signaling for him to come at me.

He smirked launching off the ground throwing punches at me. I simply dodged each of them. I jumped over him kicking him in the back. He looked at me smiling.

"Let's stop holding back."

I shrugged and nodded a bit.


The power radiating from his was blowing my coat flaps back. I watched him suck up the power around him.

"LIGHTNING FLAME DRAGON'S ROAR!!!!!!!" He yelled blowing the breath attack at me

I ran straight through his attack punching him repeatedly, sending one final punch sending him into a tree. He got up wobbling a bit wiping the sweat off his forehead and heading back over smirking. His hands lit on fire traces of lightning wrapped around his hands. He launched off the ground.

"LIGHTNING FLAME DRAGON'S PERCUSSION HAMMER!!!!" He yelled clasping his hands together sending it at me

"SHADOW DRAGON'S BLIND EYE!!!!" I yelled everything and everyone went briefly blind by attack

Natsu was looking around for me, "A few seconds that's all you've got. LIGHTNING FLAME DRAGON'S ROAR!!!!!" He roared blowing the attack away.

"EARTH DRAGON'S HELL'S WAVE!!!!" I slammed my hands onto the ground watching him lose his footing.

Natsu jumped up his feet lighting up, "FIRE DRAGON'S TALONS!!!"

I back flipped out of the way of the attack, "SOUND DRAGON'S SHOCKWAVE!!!!" I jumped back clapping my hands together seeing the sound waves travel sending him back.

"Admit defeat Natsu, you can't beat me."

He started getting up again, "Never."

"Alright guess I'll end this." I said unzipping my jacket

I lifted up my fist, "ELEMENTAL DRAGON'S SLAYER SECRET ART: CRIMSON STAR BLADE!!!!" I ran at him sending my fist at him. Stopping inches from his face with a giant smile on my face.

The attack dispersed from my arm, "Do you give up now."

"Fine, you win." He said getting up with my help.


To be continued...

A/N: this was a little filler chapter I'll be back to day 4 of the games next Wednesday hope you enjoyed this chapter

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