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If you are searching for a reason to leave, stop.  The search is the reason.


"Yunlan ..." Shen Wei poked Zhao Yunlan's shoulder.  The man in front of him was really drunk.  Zhao Yunlan started talking gibberish.

"Eh ... Xiao Wei" Zhao Yunlan laughed but he was still lying there "You're here"

"You're drunk, I'll help you" Shen Wei helps Zhao Yunlan to sit "Let’s go home"

"Noooooo" Zhao Yunlan whined "Home is like a hell, I don't like it.  I just want to stay here ... it's more comfortable"

"No, you can't stay here. You will catch a cold"

"Still better than home. Let’s just stay here" Zhao Yunlan suddenly hugged Shen Wei and made Shen Wei widened his eyes "Xiao Wei, you're so warm. This is home" Zhao Yunlan buried his face in Shen Wei’s chest

Shen Wei tried to calm down when his heart pounded very hard.  He is stupefied by this.  The one that he loves so much now hugged him tightly.  Zhao Yunlan the one who always harsh to him now looks vulnerable.  His arm was about to hugged Zhao Yunlan back but he stopped mid air and just shook his head.  He couldn't do this.  The man that close to him right now clearly rejected him and didn't have mutual feeling with him.  He didn't want to rely on empty hopes again.

"Xiao Wei, why don't you say anything?  I want to hear your beautiful voice cause it makes me calm" Zhao Yunlan now looked up "Not only your voice, your face is also beautiful.  I'm sorry that I hurt you.  I didn't mean to "

"Yunlan ..." Shen Wei sighed "Let’s just go home"

"No" Zhao Yunlan shook his head and hugged Shen Wei more tightly.

"You don't want to home?  Then let’s go somewhere okay?  We can't stay here" Finally Zhao Yunlan nodded.

In the end, Shen Wei decided to bring Zhao Yunlan to the hotel.  He could not bring Zhao Yunlan to his house, because that would make his parents confused.  At first, Shen Wei just wanted to drop him at the hotel room.  But when he was about to leave, Zhao Yunlan started to throw up in the toilet.

"Yunlan, are you okay?" Shen Wei a little bit worried and patted Zhao Yunlan's back Zhao Yunlan kept throwing up until his stomach was empty.  Shen Wei helped him get out of the toilet and put him on the bed.  Zhao Yunlan looked so messy, his face was so pale.  Shen Wei couldn't leave him like this.  Shen Wei wiped Zhao Yunlan's face and arm with a hot towel.  Luckily, Zhao Yunlan didn't throw up anymore but he still awake.  Shen Wei wiped Zhao Yunlan's face gently.  He stopped when he saw Zhao Yunlan's teary eyes "What's wrong?"

"My life is awful ..." Zhao Yunlan said

"Don't say that, you still drunk.  Just sleep"

"Why do you help me?  I hurt you Xiao Wei. Don't you hate me?"

"Why do you keep trying to make me hate you?" Shen Wei asked

"That's the only way to keep you safe"

"Safe?  I'm not in danger"

"You are ... when you're with me. You know that danger always follows me everywhere?" Zhao Yunlan stared at Shen Wei "You are the only one that is very important in my life right now and I don't want to lose you like I lost everyone that I love before" Zhao Yunlan  started to cry "My Mom, My grandfather, and my dad ... that was because of the evil that lives in my house!"

"Yunlan ..."

"She killed them all!  Now she is trying to kill you too because you are close to me.  I don't want it ... I don't want it Xiao Wei!" Zhao Yunlan pulled Shen Wei to his arm and hugged him tightly "I'm so scared ...  I rather to see you hate me than to lose you"

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