Bad Moon Rising

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Laura's POV

If Stefan hasn't said this was important I would not want to be here right now. I was at the boarding house because Stefan and Damon had some important things to discuss regarding the Lockwood family. We were waiting around in the living room for Alaric to arrive when Damon brought him in.

"Elena mentioned you needed my help." Ric said as he sat opposite us from the couch. "Yeah, we were hoping you could help shed some light on the Lockwood family." Stefan started. "Now, why would I know anything about the Lockwood's?" Ric said.

"Well, you wouldn't, but your dead, not-dead vampire wife might." Damon spoke up and sat in the lone arm chair. "What he means is, Isobel's research from when you guys were at Duke together. You said she had spent years researching this town." I said.

"Isobel's research here in Mystic Falls rooted in folklores and legends but at the time I thought much of which was fiction." Alaric said unhappy that we were talking about his ex-wife who dumped him to be a vampire. "Like that amazing vampire story." Damon smiled mockingly.

"Aside from vampire, what else?" Elena asked ignoring Damon's snide remarks. "The lycanthrope." Ric answered and we all looked at each other confused. "Wait, like werewolves?" She asked.

"No way, impossible, way too Lon Chaney." Damon dismissed it. "Is it?" Stefan looked at him as if it could be true since that's the only possible explanation. "I've been on this planet one hundred and sixty some odd years, never came across one." He turned to Ric. "If werewolves exists, where the hell are they?"

"Why do you suspect the Lockwood's?" Ric asked. "Because vervain didn't affect the mayor on Founders Day but the Gilbert device did and it affected his son Tyler." Damon explained. "And at the school carnival his uncle Mason exhibited inhuman behaviour when he fought with one of the carnival workers. It suggests it's some supernatural entity." Stefan finished their theory on the Lockwood's.

"We were hoping that Isobel's research could help us figure out what it is." Elena looked at him. "Well, all of her things are still at Duke. I mean her office is still there, she's technically still missing." Ric said.

"So can we get access to it?" Damon asked and Alaric stayed quiet. I felt bad for asking him to dig up Isobel's stuff when he's trying to move on from her. "Ric, we need to know what we are dealing with. If this wolfman thing is true, I've seen enough movies to know it's not good." Damon said. I roll my eyes at him. "It means that Mason Lockwood is a real life Lon Chaney and that little Tyler punk may just very well be Lon Chaney Jr, which mean Bella Lugosi, meaning me, is totally screwed."

"I'm fine with that." I said. Damon shoot me a look and I raise my brow at him. From the side I could hear Ric sighing heavily. "Fine, I'll take you to her office."

"Excellent!" Damon grinned wildly. "So it's settled, Laura and I will go with Ric to Duke to dig up Isobel's research. You, brother, will stay here and take care of blondie since you volunteered yourself." Damon said calling the shots.

"Um... what makes you think we're letting her go with you?" Elena got up from the couch and confront him. "Because, Elena, last I checked I am her boyfriend." He glared at her as if telling her to pipe down or he'll rip her throat open. "Ex-boyfriend." I corrected him but he ignored me.

"Come on, Stefan, you know I won't hurt her." Damon gave Stefan a look. Stefan was about to object when I told them everything was going to be fine. "It's okay, guys. I can handle myself." I told them.

"Laura, you don't have to go if you don't want to." Stefan told me. I was going to say I didn't want to go when I looked at Damon with a smug look, somehow it irritated me. "No, I'll go." Why did I say that?!

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