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Scottie smiled at Steve, her smile not quite reaching the corners of her lips as she looked at him through the mirror directly in front of them both. The man returned the smile, trying not to let his eyes focus for too long on the stitches that littered her forehead. The cast on her wrist was a bright yellow, something that he guessed much have been of comfort to her when she picked it out.

Not only was the cast rather bright, it was making the process of cutting Steve Roger's hair rather hard for the girl. She eventually sighed, sitting the scissors down as she motioned for Steve to check himself out in the mirror. He smiled once more, holding a thumbs up to motion that he was pleased with her attempt of making him look less of a nomad.

Scottie watched the man as he shaved the remainder of his beard off, staring intently at the running water as it hit the basin. She didn't realise how many sounds she had gotten used to in her life until she was left with nothing. She was sure she could almost remember the sounds of how water would hit the sink, but she was sure it wouldn't be long before she was able to recall smaller and less significant sounds like typing on a keyboard or the sound of a light humming as it was turned on.

If there had been any advantages to her new state, it was that every other sense had almost felt heightened at the loss of her hearing. Which meant that when the vibrations started pulsing throughout the Avengers Headquarters, she was the first to instantly sit up. Steve turned to look at her in surprise at her sudden movement, before his head swung back round to the shaving mirror he had previously been staring into. The metal hingers were shaking rapidly, and Steve instantly knew that there was something landing outside.

Scottie ran after the man as he took off towards the front of the building. She grabbed her jacket from the hallway as they all gathered on the outside yard, Natasha moving so that she was standing directly in Scottie's eye line. The girl had started to get a little jumpy when she couldn't tell where people were around her - especially as she used to just be able to know that from light breaths or footsteps. Now everything just seemed to appear at once.

The blonde squinted as she noticed the bright shape of what she assumed to be Carol Danvers, the woman they had met only days prior. She had seemingly pulled through on her promise to the remaining heroes, especially since she was literally carrying a spacecraft on her shoulders. Scottie twitched slightly as she considered running up the ramp and into the ship to see if Tony was alive, but that exact reasoning was what made her stay rooted on the stop.

A gasp escaped her lips as she noticed a robotic blue woman leave the ship, her arms wrapped cautiously around the man she was desperate to see. Scottie watched as Steve darted forward, his arms wrapping around the weaker and malnourished man. She stared intently at their mouths, trying her hardest to focus on what they were saying.

"Couldn't stop him," Tony muttered, no hope left in him that the Earth team had managed to do the same either, since he had literally watched Peter Parker die in his arms. He looked at Steve with a purpose, unsure on his current state of mind at the reunion with the man that had willingly torn their team apart all those years ago.

"Neither could I," Steve admitted, knowing that his own attempts against Thanos had been useless in comparison to what Thor and Scottie had tried to do - and even then they hadn't managed to stop the mad titan.

"I lost the kid," Tony breathed out, turning to look at Steve with nothing but guilt and shame in his eyes. The man was almost expecting Steve to look at him in disappointment or resentment so he was amazed to find the look that he had in his own eyes mirrored in America's golden boy.

"Tony, we lost."

Scottie watched the scene, not quite having been able to pick up what they were saying due to their mumbling. She gathered that Peter was gone just as Wanda and the rest of her friends, especially since there was no sign of the teenager that had saved her life more than just once. She jumped as Pepper lightly touched her shoulder in comfort as the woman joined them, her eyes straining to see who had left the spaceship. The second the strawberry blonde noticed it was her fiancé, she took off straight towards the man.

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