04. Violet Wonder

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Standing beside Mira, Miok stared with wide-eyed wonder from the moment she saw him.

The most beautiful Dragon she had ever come laid her eyes on.

She would have sworn, then and there, in her 26 years of existence she had never met a Dragon as gorgeous as the one she was seeing right then - and she had seen her fair share of them.

Scales an iridescent violet. Amethyst flames dancing on the hind of his legs and the length of his spine to the tip of his tail. The marking over his chest, a familiar swirly pattern, triggering a memory she thought she had forgotten.


Miok's voice was too low, a whisper that barely made it past her lips. Not loud enough for the medic to hear, yet the dragons ears flickered, serpentine gaze burning her where she stood. Mesmerized by the sheer beauty of the Dragon.

Her ears rang, heart skipping every other beat, pumping blood too fast and too slow at the same time. She felt as if her lungs had caught fire. Palms clammy and gross, vision tunneling to focus on him and him alone.

He stared right back at her. Teeth gnashed in a snarl, violet eyes burning with hatred.

Muzzled and chained to the wall, he looked no less intimidating had been been soaring through the skies. He was ten times the size of a human, not to mention hundreds times as stronger as well.

Unconscious of her actions, Miok took a hypnotised step towards the Dragon. It was the sharp tug on her top, the one that pulled her right back to where she'd been standing that snapped her out of hypnosis, blinking back at Mira with confusion.

"Unnie, I know he's both muzzled and chained. Doesn't make him any less dangerous, please be careful," Mira told her, looking more frightened than Miok. "This Dragon has mutilated two medics already, stay beyond the yellow line."

 Miok grinned sheepishly, scratching the back of her head.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry about that," She said before turning back towards the Dragon. He was pressed against the opposite wall, muscles coiled, ready to spring at the smallest of movements from the two humans. Smoke bellowing out of his nostrils. "He's beautiful."

Mira smile - almost endeared - at her words. Her own gaze shifting towards the Dragons.

"It is, isn't it." 

Her voice had gone, soft. Mushy if Miok had to place it exactly. A smile tugged at her own lips at the younger girl's admiration towards the Dragon.

However, something confused her.

"Mira... we visited about seven cells this evening. How come he's the only one muzzled? No other Dragon was." Miok questioned, turning her eyes back to study the violet wonder in front of her.

Mira winced as she took a step forward to stand beside Miok. "Because he wouldn't let anyone near enough for us to remove it. Anyone who had permission to do so are too terrified to even try and no Rider wants to give it a try. Newbies might, but they'd rather not lose limbs trying to. And veteran Riders are too busy to ever come down here."

Miok hummed as she nodded her head.

"Also, why do you keep addressing him as 'It'?" She asked, brows furrowing. It wasn't like Dragons didn't have gender. They were usually addressed as he/she/they as much as any human would be.

"Yeah, it's gender is still unidentified. It has yet to transform into it's human form. We don't even have a name." Mira explained. This only opting to confuse Miok further.

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