The blond kid

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[Midoriya pov ] (please check description)

It was the first day of UA school year, everyone seemed so excited. I mean, I'm excited too but I'm also about to have a stroke due to how fast my heart is racing. It's not every day that you get accepted to got to the top class at the best hero school in all of japan. I try to calm my nerves breathing in and out- " ow!" I was heading straight to the ground, oh thats gonna hurt. After a while I started to wonder if I was going to hit the ground or not, i crack open an eye and the gray sidewalk.

"Are you okay? You haven't moved for a bit," a voice from behind me said, I quickly turn my head over to see who, regretting that a little due to the muscles in my neck ache. A boy with gold blond hair that seemed to have one strand rebelling against the rest, deep blue eyes and a huge smile on his face, kinda reminds me of...

"Well at least I know you didn't pass out! Hahaha!" he laughed and I realized I haven't said anything yet. "O-oh yeah I'm fine t-thanks.." I mumble scratching the back of my neck, now standing on my own. Damn my stuttering.

"Well I'm Alfred, Alfred F Jones! Hahaha if you ever need a hero just call on me!" he yelled, that or he's just really loud. "Oh uh yeah," I mumble again, geez is that all I say!? He looks at me... like he want something..?

"Oh! Yeah! (again) Im Midoriya," I say a bit rushed, god I sound so nervous, which isn't a lie. "Hahaha! Well it's nice to meet you, Midoriya!" Alfred-kun exclaimed, he's really friendly at least... "You t-too Alfred-kun!" I say back, I couldn't help the smile that appeared on my face. He patted my back, though it felt more like a punch... I don't think he knows his strength or he's passively bullying me..

I don't think I saw him at the entrance exam, then again there was different training cities... he's defindently American, no offence but his accent bleeds through even if he can speak japanese well, so being an exchange student is always a possibility.

" Soooo!" he started, "what class are you in?" I looked at him and he looked at me, I could see curiosity coming off of him. "Um I'm in class A.. you?" I ask. "Dude! Same! That's so cool, we're going to be in the same class!" Alfred-kun yelled, the volume of this guy is crazy, he kinda reminds me of President Mic.

Now that's got me thinking, what could his Quirk be? Super strength? His pat sure presents that. But his voice is so loud, could it be his quirk is similar to President Mic. Maybe he has 2 quirks, that would be so cool! Him having those two quirks would explain if he was recommended here. He know Japanese so well, maybe his quirk really does have something to his voice. I wonder what it coul-

"Dude, could you stop mumbling. It sounds like your summoning a demon!" Alfred-kun said, interrupting my thinking. "Oh I'm sorry, I get carried away.." I apologized, I've always had a problem of mumbling. " It's okay! I get carried away sometimes too!" Alfred-kun said, for some reason what he said really made me not feel as bad.

One thing I noticed as Alfred-kun and I walked the halls looking for the classroom was that this school is huge. I mean It looks big and all on the outside but I could easily get lost in this place. Just then I heard a distorted 'Alfred', Alfred-kun and I both turn around at see a blond man wit- WAIT ARE THOSE EYEBROWS?!

Alfred grabbed my wrist still looking at the approaching man, "How about we go for a jog?" he asked though I didn't have much of a choice as he ran dragging me with him. I heard more yelling from behind us. I could almost feel my legs glide across the floor as alfred ran down the halls. "A-Alfred Why are we running?!" I ask, hardly keeping up with him, Man can he run! "Uh... That dude is the villain and he's going to take me away to a dark villain lair!" Alfred-kun said, though I couldn't tell if that was really true. There's no way a villain could get in the greatest hero school.

We came to a stop, and looking around alfred I saw that he somehow ran into a deadend. The blond man finally caught up, wheezing with his face all fluster do to exuahested I'm guessing, I would look like that too if I had to chase Alfred-kun at this speed.

"Am- Alfred ... You bloody.. wanker. " the blond man spat, though it was less intimidating since he's leaning on a wall. But hearing voice told me he British, but else from Alfred I have no Idea what he just said since I don't know English. I look at Alfred-kun and he looked kinda worried.

"Noooooo! DOn't Take me back!!!! I wanna be a hero too, Iggy!!" Alfred whined at the british man, though he switch to english so I was left out once again. The british man stormed up to me and Alfred, grabbing Alfred by the ear. Now that he was this close I could see that he looked quite young, maybe in college or fresh out of it. Also his eyes were so green, I couldn't describe it. I guess I was staring too long because the british man turned to me, his expression went blank, I couldn't what he was thinking. Was he mad? Does he not like that I'm here?!

"I Apologize for the Idiot's behavior, If he has caused any trouble don't hesitate to teach him a lesson," he apologize sincerely besides the idiot and lesson part. Apparently he can speak Japanese too. I nod, "N-no, he wasn't any trouble, he was quite nice, I'm M-Midoriya, nice to meet you," I say and I realised how nervous I am talking to him. I wonder though, what's their relationship, gardien and child, no the british man is too young for that. Maybe Brothers.... But they look nothing alike, they even have different accents.

"I'm Arthur Kirkland, pleased to meet you, but now I will be taking Alfred with me, bye" Arthur-senpai waved as he walked off dragging Alfred with him. I wonder what happened to Alfred's strength.

I continued searching for the class, still thinking of what might have happened to him. Did Arthur take him home? Maybe he wanted to have a 'chat' with him... Or he was going to take Alfred back home and by home I mean America. Arthur would fly over to Japan just to retrieve Alfred would he, maybe he already like in japan. But his accent is so strong and he automatically talks in english, maybe old habits never die..?

I soon found myself at the door of class A-1, I take a deep breath, hope that blue haired kid and Kacchan isn't in his new class. I push open the doors and-

"Don't put your feet on the desk! That disrespectful!"

"I do what I want you damn extra"

"This is school property yo-"

The blue hair kid stopped yelling at kacchan and looked at me. Oh no.

[Skipping convo due to the fact I didn't watch mha]

"8 seconds for you all to shut up and sit down, we'll need to work on that..." Awaiza- senpai, class A-1's homeroom teacher said monotoned, " huh.. We're missing some one. "One less extra to deal with" someone muttered.

"Well can't be helped, anyways put these on," Awaiza-senpai directed pointing to blue training uniforms. Everyone walked up and grabbed one and went to the boys and girls locker rooms. I walked in and changed in the blue uniform, the design reminds me of the building's design for some reason.

After we change we were supposed to go outside to a training area. Awaiza was there waiting at one of the activities. Once everyone arrived he started to explain, "We will be doing a quirk assessment test," he looked along the crowd, "Bakugo come here." Bakugo did suit walking up next to Awaiza-senpai. "What was your best score in the softball throw in middle school?" Awaiza asked. "36.6 meters I think," Kacchan responded. "Well try it using your quirk," Awaiza instructed, handing the ball to Kacchan.

Kacchan stretched before yelling 'DIE' and throwing the ball, using his quirk of course. After a little bit we could seen a dust could form and the device Awaiza had light of with a number saying the score, "607.6 meters".

Some kids in the crowd said something like "woah that seems like fun" or something of the other, but I was too worried for the fact I have too little control of one for all I might break my arms again. Before I could into thought a loud explosion was heard behind us. I turn around to see...- ALFRED!?

It looked like alfred was running from the explosions going off behind him. "AHHH ARTHUR STOPPP!!!!" he yelled. Then I notice another figure behind him, holding something is that a- A BAZOOKA!?! THAT CAN'T BE LEGAL TO SHOOT IN PUBLIC!!!

(Please look at description)

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