Quirk Assessment Quirk

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Midoriya pov

Alfred was quickly approaching the group, Arthur not far behind him but it had seemed Arthur had stop firing the bazooka. Everyone in class was just frozen, not exactly sure what or how to deal with the situation. When Alfren was within 2 meters of us, he came to a sharp stop, scanning the group.

"YOU DAMN YANKEE, USING A GROUP OF INNOCENT SCHOOL KIDS AS PROTECTION!!" Arthur yells about to the group. Alfred quickly jumped behind Iida, I guessing due to his stature . Now in front of class A Arthur put his hands on his hip, his face looked more pissed than be on imagination, I could see why alfred had been running.

"Alfred get your arse over here before I get you know who," Arthur threatens though I don't really understand it. Alfred, who was still behind Iida,( much to his disliking), Yells out, " I don't care, get big T if you want!! He can't control me, neither can you!!" His words didn't mean much due to the fact he is still hiding behind Iida. Iida on the other hand keep trying to turn around to see Alfred, but Alfred would move accordingly to stay hidden.

I see Aizawa step up to Alfred, his scarf snatching hold of him and walked up to Arthur, "Unfortunately, this kid is one of my students, even if he is late, so I ask that you please leave," he spoke unamused to the sharp eyed Brit.

Arthur scoffed, "This buffone is most definitely Not one of your students. He's coming with me, he has work to attend to. '' It looked as if a glare off was going off between the two. Meanwhile Alfred was working on breaking free, which he completed after a moment or two, break Aizawa and Arthur out their glares.

Alfred walk up to Arthur, an unreadable expression on his face. "Finally you've come to your senses-" Arthur was cut off by Alfred delivering a swift punch to Arthur's gut, shocking everyone, even Aizawa. By the look of Arthur's face it must of had a lot of force behind it. Arthur started to fall to his knees only for Alfred to caught him.

For some reason, another young man was to jog over to us, this time he had black hair and deep, dark, brown eyes. "Alfred-kun, you should really give me a warning before calling me out here," the black haired man spoke, sounding shy-like.

He glanced at the class, his eyes seeming to light up a little, " Ah, I see Alfred-kun, have a good time," the smaller male picked up Arthur, with a little trouble at first but soon managed to make his way to the front of the school.

The class silently watch when Alfred turned back to us, "what did I miss?" he asked excite me evident in his voice. I looked at Izawa to see his reaction, his once serious face went back to one of no cares, "okay, you'll just have to do this in your school uniform, try not to damage it... okay." Alfred walked over looking like a child on christmas and he joined the rest of the class, and next to. He gave me smiled as I gave him a nervous smile back.

"Anyways, if anyone scores last on the tests will face expulsion," Izawa said tiredly and walked over to the 50 meter race. Dread made its way to me as I tried to push it away, ' I'll just have to save it until I need it... If only I could even use a little percent of it...' I was snapped out of my thoughts as Alfred puts a hand on my shoulder, " hey dude, you doing alright? Looking a little pale.." he looked concerned but still holding a smile upon his lips... we does he remind me so much of him.

A few of the other students went already getting shockingly fast times, my fears were gnawing at me but for some reason Alfred would calm them.." Alfred Jones... Midoriya Izuku your up.." Izawa said with no excitement whatsoever. Midoriya wasn't very excited to race against his energetic friend, but walked up nonetheless.

Alfred and I lined up at the start, waiting for the signal. When it went off, I ran as fast as I could manage closing my eyes in the process. I felt a gust a wind go by, though it wasn't strong I still felt it. I ignored it, I had to keep pushing- "4.76 seconds" the robot at the end sounded. By that point, I opened my eyes, there alfred was, cheering me on, I soon came to an end- "7.02 seconds" the robot read out. I leaned over second, Alfred patting me on the back, "Dude that was so fun! I miss doing these!" I kinda inwardly cringed at the thought of Izawa punishing the class worse at Alfred's comment.

Next we did the grip strength, I squeezed my the handle as hard as I could, I look to see that I got 56 kg, not as high as the others, I could already feel it. I glance over to Alfred-kun, I soon regretted seeing his score, "-453 kg !?!" I practical yell, gaining the attention of most. I quickly became embarrassed as everyone saw I was looking at Alfred and the other looked too. Most didn't call out like me, but their eyes widen, kacchan just looked angry.....like always...

Next was side jumps.. I did my best but it seemed like everyone did better.. This isn't looking good. The sandbox jump was hard too, I kinda fell in. We finally made it to the ball throw test, I think everyone was surprised when Uraraka-chan got infinite. When Alfred went up, he did a weird pose, I think a baseball pitching one. He put leg up and across his body, then turned leg back out in front of him the rest of his body following suit and launching the ball.

"357.5 meters" I was kinda expecting, with his quirk he would be able to match kacchan, well assuming his quirk is a type of strength enhancement. He walked back with a smile on his face as always. " Midoriya, your turn" Izawa calls, I can feel my body tense. I nodded and walked up to the circle, taking the ball from Izawa. I take a deep breathe, ' I've been saving my body for this test, I'll use it now, one for all'.

I clutch the ball and I pulled back, I swung my arm over my body activating one for all.... Only for the ball to fall, "60.8 meters (I don't know what it was...)". I stared in disbelief, " I swore I activated it.."

"I canceled your quirk," I turn to Izawa to see his hair swaging up and his eyes strained. Just then I remember who he was.... [eraserhead *quirk and whatever info*] "when you used your quirk during the entrance exam you broke both of your legs and your arm(s?) do plan on saving one person then making someone else save you!? You'll only drag those around you down, you get two chances, after your done you can pack your bags.." Izawa's hair fell back down, putting eye drops in.

I grab the ball again, I look at it think back to what all might said and what Izawa had just said. He was right.. I can't be a hero if I can't control this quirk. I pulled my arm back again, focusing my power into my index finger on the ball. As I swung and let go I activated it, sending the ball on its way. "705.3 meters" I was breathing hard, "see Izawa", my voice shaky," I'm still standing!"

"This kid" was all he said as a weird smile made its way on his face. Before I knew it I was in Alfred's arms, squeezing my body. "A-Alfred... can't ..breathe.." I wheeze out, hearing me he set me down. "That was such a hero's spetch!!" his goofy smile grew. Iida-kun and Uraraka-chan soon join Alfred and swarmed me, I was so happy, but then I remembered.... The expulsion.

Izawa pulled up the results and I searched for my name...which was at the bottom... I look to see were the others had place; alfred 4th, Iida 5th, and Uraraka 11th. "I lied about the expulsion" Izawa said, shaking me out of my thoughts and joy and unbelief shot up into me.

"HAHAHa Dude! Your safe!" Alfred boomed as he shook me. I smiled and nodded, "Yup, I'm gonna be staying here!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2020 ⏰

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