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     "Holy shiT you fuCkiNg casual," Rohan said, pointing directly in Shigechi's direction,"you don't go through a bag of animal crackers looking for the camels?! You're a disgusting cretin," Rohan scoffed and crossed his arms in disgust.
     "What are you talking about?!" Okuyasu chimed in, "why would I go through the whole bag looking for camels, that's stupid! You have to eat them last, anyways. Whenever I come across a camel I put it back,"
     "Bro, that's kinda gross tho," Josuke disagreed, "I mean, I don't know where your hands have been, putting them back is kinda unsanitary,"
     Okuyasu pouted whilst Rohan smirked. It wasn't often Josuke agreed with Rohan, (in fact, this was the only instance Rohan could think of) but it was always a treat when they did. Rohan was no idiot, nor was he so self centered that he didn't recognize other people's strength or power. Rohan was not fond of Josuke what-so-ever, but he knew Josuke had massive destructive power, as he had experienced it first-hand. Having someone so capable could never be bad.
     "I have a proposal," Rohan announced to the arguing bunch.
     "Really?!" Okuyasu exclaimed, "whose the lucky lady? Or I guess she's be unlucky, having to deal with you all the time,"
     Rohan was at a loss for words for a moment.
    "... It's not that kind of proposal, Idiot #2, I propose that we beat the shit out of each other because we disagree,"
     "I'm okay with that," Shigechi said, and everyone agreed.

Josuke and Rohan won, to absolutely no one's surprise. Both teams stuck to their ridiculous animal cracker eating strategies, in the end. Was it worth it? No. Did Eyes of Heaven add it into the game anyway? Yes.

Can you tell I'm losing my sanity

Duwang gang fights over animal crackersWhere stories live. Discover now