Cold and Still

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The room was cold. Lifeless. A stool lay tipped over on the hardwood floor. Cans of beer sat splattered all over the floor, excess beer dripping from the small cans. The body swayed slowly, the wind flushing into the room from the open window. It made the room colder. Toko fell to his knees, bruising them on the hard surface. Tears overwhelmed his eyes, streaming down his cheeks. The flow of the tears matching the flow of his blood. His mouth hung open, unable to process what was in front of him. His love. His reason for living, floated in the air by a rope. Eyes as lifeless as stone, and hands as purple as lavender. This couldn't be.

"TENI!" Toko screamed, "TENI PLEASE." He screamed and screamed until his voice gave out. He shook his head, tears flying off his face. "THIS ISN'T REAL!" He smacked himself, as if attempting to awaken from this horrible nightmare. He began laughing, salty tears falling onto his tongue. "This is such a weird dream?" He burst into laughter, running his hands through his raven black hair. Toko landed on his knees again, resting his head on the floor. His laughter slowly came to a stop, as he sobbed silently. "If this is just a dream- then why aren't I waking up?..." Toko whispered.

3 months later.

Toko roamed the halls, his bag hanging over his shoulder. Dark circles lay under his eyes, leaving his once crystal blue eyes, a soft grey. He put a hand on his neck, checking if the necklace was still there, and so it was. A yawn escaped his mouth, as he walked into class. Toko took his usual back row seat, resting his head down on the desk. Nobody bothered speaking to him, if anything- they were all too scared to. It didn't bother Toko though, he was used to being lonely by now. Though, it did surprise him when he felt a light tap on his shoulder.

"Oi." An unfamiliar voice spoke. Toko raised his head slightly, and took a glance at him. He had blonde, dirty hair. 3 piercings were on his right ear, all of them hoops. He looked like a serious student. Toko didn't especially feel like being lectured by someone the same year as him, so he put his head back down. A sigh could be heard from the stranger. "Would you just listen?" He asked, annoyed. Toko looked at him again, and rested his chin on his arm. "R-Right, I was going to ask you if you wanted to come with me to lunch." The strangers eyes were glued onto Toko's. Toko froze.

"Well this is new." He sat up, stretching. "Are you sure I'm not too creepy for you?" He smirked a little. The stranger huffed.

"As if, look- is that a yes or no?" He crossed his arms, he towered over Toko as he was standing and Toko was sitting. Toko took a look around the class. Everyone was staring at the pair, in confusion and awe. They were all most likely wondering how someone could approach Toko so fearlessly.
"Why do you want to hang out with me?" He questioned, blushing a little at the crowd. That sent some of the girls whispering. Toko was quite handsome, a nice jaw, pretty eyes, and a well kept figure. Though all the girls were too afraid to approach him. The stranger sighed once more. "Because, I hate watching you wander around all alone, like a ghost. It's getting on my nerves." He scowled. Toko took this into some thought, and simply nodded. "I'll see you outside at lunch then, picnic benches." He waved himself off, taking his regular seat up front. Toko watched him leave, a little confused.

1 hour before.

"Suki," His friend waved his hand in front of his face, "Suki? Anybody in there?" Suki swatted the hand away, and ran a hand through his blonde hair as they approached the school. "I gotta dare for ya, to getchu' back for your dare. I still smell like fish..." His friend sighed.

"Bring it on, Yami." He chuckled. He remembered the moment like it was yesterday- because it was. He had dared his friend to jump into a salmon farm. Him and his friend Yami had been giving eachother dares ever since highschool- so for 2 years.

"Y'know that one kid- Tami- no.. Trent! No..- Ah! Toko?" He skipped in front of Suki, and walked backwards with a devilish grin planted on his face. Suki nodded, not getting his point. "Well, if you can get him to invite you to his house, I'll give you free drinks AND meals for the rest of the year." Suki stopped in his tracks. "I really want to know if that body is still in his house- and if there's blood and-.."

"What!? No! He's the kid who lost his lover to suicide right?" He pondered, suddenly flustered.

"Yeah? So? He was probably faking it anyways." Yami burst into laughter, returning to his usual place at Suki's side.

"I'm not doing it." Suki scowled.

"Oh cmon! I'll even- uh... Pay for whatever you get at convenience stores! I just really wanna know!" Yami jumped up and down as if he had to pee. Suki thought about this, his friend paying for all his basic needs for a year could help him dramatically...
"Fine, I'll do it." Suki stuck his hand out, and Yami shook it firmly.
"Pleasure doing business with you." Yami grinned.

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