part 1

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joey birlem


i was sitting in my chemistry class with my head down on my desk looking down on my phone,

i felt a tap on my left shoulder and turned my head to rose, my best friend, i know i know 'you guys will start dating!' 'do you guys like eachother?' 'yeah sure "best friends"'

but no, we're just best friends

and we are not talking about how i kinda have feelings for rose-

well no, no, no, not feelings i guess?

more like lust?


i just fantasize about her-




"earth to joesph?" rose interrupted my thoughts

"sorry, zoned out, what's up?"

"it's okay. anyways did you hear what mr peterson just said?" she looked directly in my green orbs.

"yes- ye- yeah no" i stuttered trying not to look at rose's chest, she decided to wear a very, and i mean very tight tube top.

"well, he said that we have to write an assignment about the frogs lifecycle and find a real living frog, and cut it open then write each detail and weigh it's heart and organs. which may i get out that is very disgusting. he said we should do it in trios but he's picking-" rose said before i cut off her sentence by gasping dramatically

"what if i don't get to be with you? what if i am with you and there's some weird guy with us?" i said but before i could rant any longer mr peterson took the board eraser and slammed it on the board three times, to get everybody's attention.

attention? gotten.


long story short, me peterson ended up picking a bunch of trios which left two students left without a trio, me and rose. of course he said we could make a group of five with another trio but we said we'd be fine by ourselves.

anywhore, i'm basically on my way to rose's house with a dead frog in a bag for this stupid assignment.

i went up to her door and rang the doorbell once then knocked two times real quick,

i heard footsteps which kept getting closer until a tired rose opened the door with the same tube top from earlier and some booty shorts, with her hair up in a low bun,

i swear is this girl trying to kill me?

"hey, come in" she smiled bright, i just shot a quick smile back

we went up to her room and she locked the door,

i couldn't help myself.

i grabbed her face and smashed my lips on hers

our lips molded together just as if they were made for eachother.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2020 ⏰

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