Family Intrusion

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A/N: Sorry I haven't written. My life has been busy. Fortunately, I have a few chapters written for this story. I just need to type them up. 


"So you shared a bed with him?" Someone blew a raspberry very loudly.

Rowoon looked up at her computer screen at her reflection. No, not her reflection. At the exact replica of her. Park Hyeri stared back at her, matching eyes and face mirroring her own.

Since the night her house had been broken into, Rowoon had been staying with Hyuk. Ever since that first night, they had alternated sleeping in the bed. That was easy because Hyuk had rarely been home, and when he was, he stayed locked in his home studio. They had barely seen each other due to their schedules, and Rowoon was convinced he was giving her as much space as she needed.

News had gotten out quickly that the incident had happened. Her mother had called and texted her nonstop. So had her older brother who was currently in China. Even her younger brother had offered to stay home instead of going to Africa. She had told him no, that his mission trip was more important.

Truthfully, she didn't want to trouble her family. When her younger brother Do Eul had been in third grade, the family had moved to Busan. Rowoon and her older brother Seonghwa had been living in Japan in their school dorms that had been provided for them. Even after returning to Korea in high school, Rowoon was able to go to school in Seoul on a scholarship. She had only been to Busan for holidays, never really living in her new family home. Not that her mother hadn't tried. Every time they talked she dropped hints that she'd like to have all her children home.

"Hyeri-yah, it's not like that," she argued.

Her sister laughed. "When we used to share a bed, you used to still the covers. Did you do that with him?"

"I don't know. He was up before I was."

"Rowoon-ah, look at me." She looked up at the screen into the face that matched hers. "Wouldn't you be better off staying with Dongwook? He knows how you tick and knows your fiery temper is just a coverup for your anxiety."

Rowoon shook her head. "I won't do that to him."

Hyeri bit her lip. "Are you ever going to tell me what happened? You two were so happy then all of a sudden it ended."

The older twin shook her head again. "It's in the past, Hyeri. Don't worry about it."

But her sister wasn't giving up. "Did you cheat on him?"

"Nothing like that happened. No one cheated." She wiped at the emotions that threatened to fall. "I need to find Jiho so we can finalize his tour. I'll call you soon." She ended the video chat quickly, but she was certain her sister had already seen it.

"Where are you?" she sent.

"The patio. I'll send Hyosung to walk with you." - Jiho

She had refused to stay away from work, so in compliance with her boss, she had to be escorted everywhere. It drove her nuts, but the members of Fanxy Child and the whole company wouldn't hear of it. Hyosung was Jiho's favorite security member so he often was sent to walk places with her, even if it was just going from floor to floor.

There was a knock at her office door. She waved Hyosung in, watching as the hulking man made the room seem smaller. He was half-Korean and half-Russian with his mother's Korean face but his father's Russian coloring and build. He had been a member of the secret service after serving in the marines. Most were afraid of him, but those ho knew him knew he was a big softy.

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