Broken heart

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Hobi POV:
Everything had been normal in the dorm, or so he thought as Hobi and his fellow members hopped in the van on the way to another interview.
Hobi was about to sit himself next to Jimin when he was stopped.

"Can you sit behind me today Hobi Hyung, I want to chat with Tae. Please!"
Jimin had begged.

Hobi didn't think too much of it and moved to the seat behind him as Tae climbed in beside Jimin.

He sat behind watching as they whispered to each other, occasionally stealing glances back at him.
Hobi felt weird "are they talking about me?" He thought but pushed it from his mind.

That was only the first weird occurrence. The second happened when he tried to hang out with Jin in the kitchen.

"Hobi-ssi can you leave me alone I'm trying to cook" the elder said pulling Hobi off of his back.

"Ah sorry Jin Hyung" I won't bother you.
Hobi wasn't sure why Jin didn't want him around but it was Jin so he ignored the feeling that had been creeping into his chest.

He decided to go and see if Yoongi needed any help. He walked to the familiar studio door and rung the bell.
No answer so he rung again.. still no answer
"Maybe he's not in here"  he thought before turning to leave.  Before he got to the end of the hallway though he heard the sound of the studios door click open and spotted Namjoon slipping out.

"Oh Namjoon-ssi I thought no one was in there, I rang the buzzer but no one answered" Hobi said as Namjoon approached.

Namjoon looked away from him
"Uh yeah sorry, we were just working on some stuff sorry Hyung"

"Can I help with it?" Hobi asked energetically but Namjoon brushed him off fast

"Nah it's okay Hyung we got it" and walked off.

Hobis chest hurt again. What was happening they never denied his assistance when working on songs.

After being denied twice yesterday Hobi decided to spend the morning at the dance studio, it always cheered him up.
He opened the door to the studio and found Jungkook inside.

"Oh hey Kookie, you doing some practice?"
Hobi asked as he put his bag down to the side.

Jungkook looked towards Hobi as he quickly turned off the song he was practicing

"Do you wanna go over the steps together?" Hobi asked as he stretched his arms above his head.

"Nah Jimins gonna come practice with me later, thanks anyway hyung"
Jungkook went and started packing away his things.

"Oh" was all Hobi could say as he watched Jungkook leave. Now standing in the empty practice room alone.

He didn't want to think about the uneasy feeling he had building up inside him and so put on some music and danced hard to let off some steam.

That afternoon when he came back to the dorm he found Tae lying upside down off the lounge playing something.

"Hey hyung" Tae said looking up at him as Hobi slid out of his shoes and walked towards him.

"Hey Tae, watcha playing?"
He leaned against the back of the lounge looking at the screen.

"Oh it's a game called pubG, you wouldn't like it Hyung"
He said looking back at the screen.

Hobi stood for a moment watching before Tae spoke up
"Did you need something from me Hyung? You don't have to stand around here"

Hobi looked down at Tae with confusion in his eyes
"Ah no, no I just was watching. I'll be in my room"

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