Welcome to Diagon Alley

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It's been nine years since Astranova revealed to be a parseltongue. Since she and Draco were so close in age, Remus and Sev decided to have a joint birthday party for them. Now that they were less than a month away from starting Hogwarts, it was time for them to head to Diagon Alley for school shopping.

"Draco! Astra! It's time to go to Diagon Alley for your school supplies!" Remus called up the stairs to their children.

"Come on, darlings! You want to be able to choose your pets don't you?" Severus called up after him, earning the pitter-patter of two pairs of feet. Draco's hair has gained a black streak and has grown to just below his shoulders and his ice blue eyes were filled with mischief, while Astranova's red hair has grown to her middle back and her forest green eyes were wide with excitement. Their fair, pale skin glowed in the candlelight as they leapt at their parents. Remus had Draco, and Severus had Astranova.

 Remus had Draco, and Severus had Astranova

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(Astranova and Draco  at age 11)

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(Astranova and Draco at age 11)

"Okay," Severus chuckled, adjusting Astranova on his hip. "let's get going. Ready, Starshine?"

Astra nodded her head frantically, making them all laugh at how her hair flew into her face.

Remus carried Draco over to the Floo, grabbed some Floo powder, and yelled, "Diagon Alley!". Severus did the same and the family landed in one of the shops, Flourish & Botts. Severus had changed so much over the years. Now, his white hair reached his knees and had to tie it in a braid with the ribbon, and he's gotten more gentle and motherly with his students. Now, all of the students at Hogwarts love him as a professor and no longer call him a greasy git or dungeon bat.

After buying their schholbooks they went to get their robes. But when they got to the robe shop, a family of redheads was already there.

"Hogwarts, dear?" Madam Malkins asked the family of four as they entered.

"Yes, ma'am. Our son and daughter are starting Hogwarts," Remus explained gesturing to Draco and Astranova.

Madam Malkin clapped. "Perfect! Just wait until I finish up with Ron and I'll attend to you. Remus, your children are absolutely adorable!"

The two children blushed in pleasure and waited for Madam Malkin to finish.

One of the red heads walked up and introduced himself. "Hello. My name's Fred Weasley. This is my family, Molly, George, Ginny, and Percy Weasley. Ron's the one on the platform. What are your names, if you don't mind my asking?"

"I'm Draconis Ravenclaw-Prince, and this is my sister, Astranova Ravenclaw-Prince. Nice to meet you, Fred." Draco introduced holding out his hand.

Fred shook his hand and planted a light kiss on Astranova's hand. She blushed and smiled warmly, making her beauty even more enhanced.

Severus smiled at his daughter and knew that she was going to be a real gem when she's older. He doesn't care which boy tries to catch her attention, as long as he's treating her right. He's the more soft-spoken parent while Remus plays 'big bad wolf' when it comes to his children's safety.

Ron, when he was done getting fitted for his robes, went on and on about how great he was, never noticing how Astranova was looking at him with disgust written all over her face.

"Mummy?" Astranova asked, looking at Severus.

Severus looked his daughter. "Yes, Starshine?"

"Can we please leave this store? I'd rather our outing not be ruined by children who act like spoiled, obnoxious babies," the redhead child explained, Draco nodding in agreement.

Remus spoke up. "I agree, darling. Let's leave. The children still need to choose their pets for school."

With that said, the family of four departed from the store with their robes, Draco and Astranova promising to see Fred and George at Hogwarts.

At the pet shop, Draco adopted a Peregrine Falcon that he named Hurricane, and Astranova adopted a Snowy owl named Blizzard and a cobra named Obsidian. With all of their school supplies bought, they returned to Ravenclaw Castle, dreams of Hogwarts on the children's minds.

Welcome to Hogwarts, Draco and Astranova Where stories live. Discover now