It was nearing midnight when Sapphire and Ruby got back from the theatre. Sapphire adored watching all the amazingly talented actors and dancers on the stage. Unlike Ruby who though it was the most boring experience of her life.They walked back to the crystal palace they called home in silence. Ruby was thinking about what outfit she was going to wear the next day. She had a date and she wanted to look her best. Not that she needed to make much of an effort anyway with her waist long dark brown hair, slim body, her height being 5'6 and her sparkling green eyes. Sapphire on the other hand was wondering if she had time to visit her best friend Ashton within the next few days.
From the inside they both seemed like normal girls but on the outside they were princesses of the light. With Sapphire being seventeen and Ruby being only fifteen it meant that Sapphire was next in line for the throne. She was the epitome of the perfect princess, she was beautiful, loving and had a kind heart. She was 5'5, had bright red hair that went to the middle of her back and had stunning icy blue eyes. Her parents and her people expected a lot from her. She was expected to help everyone she possibly could no matter the problem, to bring light where there was darkness and to bring joy where there was only sadness.
Sapphire and Ruby weren't only princesses though. They had magic. They were princesses of the light. There was only one kingdom near to theirs and it was a dark kingdom, full of hatred and despair, or so they thought.