We'll Make A Shit Ton Of Clout - Chapter 3

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We'll Make A Shit Ton Of Clout - Chapter 3

Tuesday scratch her neck "So uh... Do you two have any questions?"

Mike turned around with a pencil and a notepad "Well how do you explain the famous well known picture here" He pointed to the screen that now shows a picture of me slumping over Tuesday's shoulder.

I quickly answer "It's just me slumping over her shoulder because I was tired! And we were just hanging out. Not on a date." Mike smirked "I didn't ask if you two were on a date or if you two were dating you know, I just asked for your thoughts"

Tuesday hide her face on my shoulder, Her warmth relaxes me. Otaku grabbed a sharpie and a hotdog with a sinister smirk

"I'll do Mike better"

Mike crossed his arms  "Like hell"

"So Tuesday! This one's for you!" Otaku continued "So how do you think your Mother would react if you told her you were gay"

Tuesday threw herself from me "But I'm not!"

Otaku was about to write something down on the bagel with the sharpie but Mike quickly swiped the bagel away and replaced it with his notepad.

Tuesday continued "I mean no offence to the Lgbt because it's not a bad thing b-but!"

Otaku was done "I didn't ask you if you were gay"

"R-Right! Sorry!" Its cute how she apologies so many times for the smallest mistakes.

"W-Well I'd think my mother would um.... I don't know...."

Mike took his notepad back "Well we got our answer so you can stop drawing gibberish and ask another question" Mike took a seat at his desk and sighed, Otaku took a seat on a orange bean bag next to Mike's desk.

Otaku stretched "So how's the both of you doing with the relationship you two have?"

They don't mean dating Carole so relax. "I'd say the both of us are as close as ever!" Tuesday nodded "Yeah  writing songs with Carole is one if the greatest things in my entire life"


Mike nodded and says "Well glad to see but we want to know something from the past............ Who was Cybelle to you?"

My heart aches as all the memories came back

Tuesday burning her hand was one of the times where my heart just aches so badly but it was nothing compared to when Tuesday was taken away, I thought I'd never see her ever again.

" Well um.. " Tuesday started making me snap out of the trip through the past "I have nearly forgotten about her but all in all she was just another contestant to me, Why do you ask?" Tuesday tilted her head, It makes me wanna snap a picture of that. I smile.

Otaku started "Well we thought she was like..... Your ex or something because before we noticed that she wasn't on the back of the stage where we'd see her and  we noticed you had a hickey. We took chances because we had 2 options, Carole or Cybelle"

I slammed my hands on the couch's arm supporter, Gritting my teeth together "What?!?!"

Otaku covered her face excerpt her eyes with a white pillow couch "Woop someone's jealous"

I turn around to face Tuesday "Cybelle was your ex?!" Carole held me by my shoulders "No! She isn't! She just forced herself on me!"

"And you didn't tell me!?" Tears were threatening out of my eyes "I just didn't want to worry!" I got off the couch and stood up.

"You are my best friend! Of course I should worry......  I'm done!" I walk away but feel a hand grab me. I turned away "Leave me alo-" I feel her soft lips on mine. I hesitate to kiss her back, She held me tight. I eventually melted on her touch and kissed back. I softly held the back of her head and pulled it closer to deepen the kiss

So much stress was flowed away by the wave of bliss and passion, I don't know how long we were kissing but it sure as hell felt good.

Eventually Tuesday pulled away from the kiss but she was still close to my face, She spoke up "Cybelle was nothing more than just another contestant ok? I swear on my entire family's name" She places her head on my chest "I love you" My smile became wider "I love you too"

Mike whispered unto Otaku "We're totally going to make so much clout because of this aren't we?" Otaku nodded.

Otaku smirked and yelled out "So you dropped your lie huh? May I play Galactic Mermaid no-" Mike stood up from his desk and yells "Well that is a very sweet relathionship unfolding right in front of us but I'm afraid we have to end the show now"

The both of us immediately scrambled away from each other

Otaku crossed her arms "What an asshole"

Mike has a forced smile on "Well Otaku let's argue when the shows over back fricking stage" Mike swallowed his anger and composed himself and placed his arms on his hips proudly "Well thanks for the clou-" Mike 'suddenly' coughed and continued his sentence "Um... Kiss and also the now bleeding ears for those people within a 5 mile radius of the person who is watching this because of their fan girl shrieks"

Tuesday awkwardly chuckled "Well yeah.... Hehe"

Mike climbed out from behind his desk and jumped down and walked to the front of the stage as Otaku got up and stood next to him. Otaku started "Well that was definitely interesting!"

Mike responded "Yep but we need to end the show, We just passed the usual recording time" Otaku nodded "So then asshole! Let's do your outro thing"

"You really want a death wish"

"I'd like to see you try"

Mike glared down at Otaku and faced the camera "So Thanks for stopping by and remember"

Otaku and Mike both said in unison



So my homework is right in front of me........ As well as my phone but you know what I chose

Anyway have a better life than me and byyeeeeeee

We'll keep on rising (Carole x Tuesday) Where stories live. Discover now