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I groaned as I felt around for my phone that would not stop vibrating. I heard it stop making me pull my duvet over my face and get hopefully get back to the dream I was just having. After what felt like two minutes, my phone was on a vibrating frenzy again.

"Arghh, for fucks sake," I sighed in exasperation, finally realizing that I would it's time to get up. I look at the time on my phone and notice that it's only four past nine. The number of unread messages catches my eye, the LED light on my blackberry slightly blinding me, making me squint.

I open up the first message from one of my best friends, Jade.

Happy 19th Birthday Nye,

hope you have a great day.

I'll see you later on,

love you! X

I read the message partly confused but then smiled realizing that today was the 28th, my birthday. Seems like, as you get older you not only become less interested but end up forgetting the day you were bought into the world. I replied with a thank you and replied to some more messages before my phone flashed that the battery was too low. I let it charge whilst I got ready for a new day and a new year.

I sat playing song pop on the iPad against my sister, as I didn't feel like doing anything today. In the evening I guess I'll cut a cake and what not but only around my family and Jade.

"You gonna call Alicia, Raven and that lot over?" I looked up at my sister and frowned.

"Nah, barely talk to Raven. Last time I saw her properly was at my 18th and Alicia.." I rolled my eyes just thinking about her. "She doesn't really care, plus she'd say she's 'busy' anyway. Normally I don't care but I'm sick and tired of making an effort when she can't even send me a happy birthday message." My sister nodded in understanding and carried on playing songpop on her iPod Touch, whilst I thought about my friends.

At school we were so close. We were in the same form for five years. We did have our ups and downs but which group of friends didn't? I thought that we'd always stay in touch because of how close we were. We basically treated each other like sisters but I guess things do change and I have to accept that. Plus, we're all at uni now anyway so it's time for a new set of friends.

I walked downstairs to see my brother just running through doors in his school uniform. I saw him grinning as he sprinted in.

"Today is a good day!" I smiled at him as he handed me his blackberry.

"Why you giving me your blackberry?"

"Record me." He stated, beaming. I nodded as he opened his back and pulled out a package. He opened the package slowly and carefully; I'd never seen him so concentrated before. I watched as he slipped a rectangular shaped box from the package and bought his lips to it. I furrowed my eyebrows as he did this.

"That is why it's a special day today?!"

"Can't wait. This is the ultimate edition!" I watched as he opened the case and gasped. I rolled my eyes at how he was reacting. Boys and their games.

"Are you forgetting something? The real reason why today is a special day? You know, the fact that I'm still alive after 19 years?" I watched him break eye contact with the disc as he turned to me.

"Happy birthday." He said nodding.

"You're a prick you know," my little brother chuckled and gave me a brief hug wishing me happy birthday again before running upstairs to play the new FIFA.

I decided that now would be a good time to reply to the rest of my messages. Deep down I was hoping that Kai would call. Maybe he remembered that it was my birthday and decided to call? I shouldn't have let it ring out. I contemplated on whether I should call him but kept having second thoughts.

Why should I call him on my birthday?

I eventually gave up on the idea and secretly carried on hoping he would call. As I put my phone down having answered the last birthday message I felt my phone go off again. I sighed and picked it up showing that I had yet again, another message.

Birthday, it's your birthday. If you die I'll bury you inside that Louis store. All you want for your birthday is me.

(Omari Ft. 2 Chainz & Kanye West - Birthday Song)

Happy Birthday, see you on Sunday. ;)

I chuckled reading, no, singing the text to myself. I couldn't help the smile from appearing on my face or hold back the laugh. The cringeyness of the text just made me laugh.

Thankyou! But, HOW can you place your name before Uncle 2 Chainz and then make him and the ex love of my life a feature without placing the words remix? I can't cope with you.

For the next hour Omari and I continued to message each other, making me completely forget that Kai even called me last night. I eventually put my phone down and caught up with all my cousins who had arrived.


"Don't forget to ring me as soon as you get on the coach!" I sighed for the umpteenth time as my mum repeated her self again. I grabbed my bags and headed over to the bench I was sat on just a few days ago. I have that feeling I had last year when I was at college. I didn't mind going into uni, I liked it but when I was at college I'd rather drink bleach than go in for my Biology lesson on Monday. Okay, maybe not bleach but tea. I hate tea.

My phone sounded as I had received yet another text from Omari, making sure that I was definitely getting on the same coach as him. I would be seeing him at about half three-ish as our coach will stop in his city for about half and hour. I looked at my ticket again, reading my service number. 309.

I sat on the bench waiting for the 309 to show up which was scheduled to arrive at around five to two. I was about twenty-five minutes early so I just turned on my iPod and listened to some Frank Ocean. I watched as the 308 arrive and depart, the 310 arrive and depart but there was no sign of the 309. I assumed that it was running a couple of minutes late and checked my ticket again. As I was putting it back in my pocket I saw the service number change. 3-0-8. I read out aloud.

"Fuck." People around me turned to look at me as I started to curse under my breath. How can I misread the service number three times? How can I mistake an eight for a nine?! I stormed over to the national express desk and watched in rage as she explained that I'd have to pay £18 to catch the next coach but then telling me it's full anyway. I kissed my teeth and rang my mum, explaining to her what happened. Funnily, she wasn't surprised. She actually expected me to do something like this. How can I make this kind of mistake in my own hometown? I faced the lady behind the desk and asked her for a ticket for tomorrow's earliest coach, which would cost me £5. I sighed in relief and walked back out waiting for my mum to come and pick me up.

"I'm not even surprised." My sister said shaking her head. "You always do something stupid."

"I didn't have my glasses." I stated like it was a good excuse.

"Whatever, at least you get an extra day here."

"Mhmm,"I rolled my eyes and walked into my brother room, pulling out my laptop. Just as I sat down my phone went off again. I looked at the text from Omari, wondering where I was.

"Oh for fucks sake," I muttered. I can't even remember to tell him that I missed my coach. I text him back explaining what happened and apologized for not letting him know any sooner. He replied saying that he understood and will see me around.

See me around?

Meaning he most probably won't run into me again.

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