Marshal, Cake and Nicki

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Cake and I were sitting at home, we were talking about the day and how cool it would be if we could turn back time and make the night fun, suddenly we heard the door slam open, it was Prince Bubléé. Prince Bubléé came in with some red puffling cakes, he said they were for helping his kingdom fight off the wind queen. Suddenly, there was a gush of cold air and the puffling cakes were gone. Prince Bubléé and Cake refused to go outside to check things out because it was raining so i carried them up to the roof of the tree house. When we eventually got up there we realised it was Marshal. Prince Bubléé and Marshal hated each other with a passion.

"ugh it's you." sighed Prince Bubléé

"ha chill out dudey." Marshal said smoothly.

"How about leave use alone Marshal, no one likes you!" shouted Prince Bubléé.

"hay Bubléé leave Marshal alone he's my friend" I said

"Well then Nicki, I'll be inside when you're up for a real gentleman's attention." Prince Bubléé replied as he climbed back down the ladders that lay against the tree house.

"Sorry about that Marshal" i said angrily.

"hay gal it's ok just chill"replied Marshal

My cheeks went red like roses and i giggled quietly, i didn't want to make it obvious that i liked him though.

"so babe, wanna join me at Prince moonly's night party?" Marshal asked.

Before i got the chance to answer he grabbed my hand and off we flew.

When we got there everyone was dancing. They stopped as soon as they noticed Marshal was here. You see everyone loved Marshal because he was smart, cool, funny and had a dreamy face. Everyone started cheering for Marshal to sing, so he did. After a while Cake took over so Marshal and i started to play fight. He kicked me really hard and i went flying over to Cake. Cake wasn't happy and started to scream and shout at Marshal, i tried to stop her but it was too late. Marshal began to get really annoyed with Cake and pushed her into the bushes where she hit her head off of the really tall tree. Marshal couldn't stop apologizing buy he also found it real funny. I picked Cake up and started to walk away from Marshal.

"babe where you going?"Marshal asked.

"just leave us alone Marshal, you took it too far!"i shouted.

"fine"Marshal screamed angrily.

Marshal took Cake off me and flew off to the grave yard.

Marshal started to sing when he got to the grave yard.

"So you want your precious Cake? Come and get her then but i warn you now my darling gal, my army of the dead is up for keeping her now. Don't be afraid babe come on you're no slave come get your precious Cake but first prove your self." Marshal sang mysteriously but still some how managed to keep that smoothly hot tone of voice throughout the song. I grabbed my sword and started to fight Marshal's army of the living dead.

While i was fighting Marshal's army, he took Cake into the woods and hid her.

"You won't get away with this Marshal!" i Screamed as loud as i could.

"Babe, i already have"Marshal laughed.

I continued to fight his army. The night soon became morning and his army had to rest, they got back to their graves, this was an advantage for me. I ran as fast as my legs would let me towards the woods.

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