Residing Guilt

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Assalamualikum everyone.
How are you all doing?
Hoping to be great like always.
How is life going? Missing me eh?😉

Fatima's POV

I didn't know what to think or how should I react to the brutal truth.
The girl with whom Harris and I spend our childhood is dead.
I didn't know anything. I had told my mom not to tell me anything about whatever is happening here when I was away.
This news gave me chills to the core that I couldn't think straight anymore.

When I learned that Harris loves Saima, I backed out of their relationship because I knew, I can't see Harris with someone else.
Flying to my aunt's house was the only thing that could calm my racing and broken heart.
Besides all this I never wanted Saima to be dead. I could not think of something so low for my best friend.
I was confused everything was so messed up.
Why didn't Harris and Saima married?
How did she die?
Who's son is Aaban?

The trail of tears rolls down my already wet cheeks thinking about Saima.
I already miss her. I wondered where is she when I came here, however, all I'm is distorted now, that I know her to be dead.

I cried more and more and over and over again until I drifted to unpeaceable slumber.


Harris POV

I went inside the room finding Fatima standing on a balcony.
I bought two cups of coffee for both of us.
Fatima turned to me, taking the cup from my hand.

"I'm sorry." She sniffs.
My forehead scrunched with accordance, staring at her mess.

"Even if I want to comfort you, my concise does not allow me to.
What you did was an act of guilty."
She indeed appeared to feel remorse and guilty for things that happened here, she didn't expect me to talk her this straight and on edge.
I was now bound to think of the situation if she would have stayed instead.
What if she had never left?
What if she had waited for Allah S.W.T's plan?

"Why did you marry me?" I stared at her slumped head.
"I might not be the person who can keep you happy for the rest of your life." I was so desperate to know the answers that I kept on staring at her, unknowingly until her gaze struck mine.
"This isn't me who planned this, who planned us but HE did, one The Most Omnipotent and The Merciful."
"Besides, I know you, Harris." She added completing her statement.

"No, you don't, Fatima." Disappointment and exhaustion laced my voice. Taking the last sip of my coffee I left from the balcony leaving her in a miserable state.


Fatima POV

I chuckled sadly, I know you like the back of my hand, Harris.
I know you as no one did.
I have loved you all my life, I never dared to tell you or anyone else about my feelings for you.

When I came to know that you love Saima, I initially tried every way to fit in like I always did.
However, the fact of knowing that the man I love, loves someone else was unbearable for me to digest. My best friend! Saima!

I sighed. A trail of tears once again left my eyes for everything I missed out here. I missed Saima more than anyone now.
I want to tell you that I love you.
I never disgraced our friendship, I sniffed and cried and sniffed.
I did all this for you, for the sake of our friendship.

I proved to be a terrible friend Saima, I'm sorry.
I don't know the cause of your death, either. I'm sorry.
My legs were shaking miserably,
I was devastated to even stand in my right senses...

Waiting for lots of comments and votes.

Love love!!

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