You Only Know You Love Her When You Let Her Go

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Mr Majumdar cleared his throat and that did the trick of separating the young couple from their embrace. They jumped from each other, Avantika looked down as soon as she released her whole family was in her bedroom, which caused Yuvraj to break into a smirk. He looked up to talk to his father-in-law to ask for a little more time to talk to Avantika but she beats him to it 

"What is happening, you guys…. What are all of you going here?" 

"We came to see you…. We heard barking and we thought you were having a fight" Maya replies

Avantika lets out a small giggle and says "no mom we were talking you know how Sunny can be" she shrugged her shoulders.

There was a small pause but the air was still thick with repressed anger and unsaid words. Everyone was looking at each other waiting to take the lead as to what to do next. 

"Now that you all have seen me in one piece can I have some privacy please," Avantika said looking at her mom and dad "so what you guys can make out," said Kabir in attempts to tease his sister. For which he received a slap on the shoulder by his mom and 'you-are-dead' eyes by Avantika

"You know Kabir there's this simple thing called talking that grown-ups do but you won't know because you stopped growing after your horny teenage years," Avantika said with a sarcastic smile on her face. "Di you….."Kabir was cut in mid-sentence by his dad "that's enough…." He turned around and gave all the family members a Stern look "please leave us alone I need to have a word with Yuvraj" 

Zeeshan looked like he wanted to say something but was cut off too "NOW" and everyone started to leave the room one by one, even Sunny was instructed to leave.

Harsh turned to Yuvraj "I think we should talk" Yuvraj knew that this father-in-law - son-in-law talk was long overdue. It was time for him to own up to his mistakes if he wanted to take his wife home…. The wife who is soon going to give birth to their baby. So he shakes his head yes to agree with his dad

"Ok then," Harsh said and mentioned for Yuvraj to take the seat. He turns to get the office chair so that he can sit too.

 "But before you say anything dad wanted me to give you this" Yuvraj says to Harsh's back. Yuvraj pulled out a rectangular invitation card from the breast pocket of his jacket. "He wanted to give it in person but….. I hope you understand"

Harsh simply nodes and accepted the card. The card was pretty simple white, with red borders on all 4 sides, a small laser cut Ganesh sat in the middle and at the left-hand side were the names of the bride and groom: *Aasha weds Sudhanshu* with a really pretty looking font. On the right-hand side was the address of the Majumder mehal in the neatly written handwriting of his beloved friend the same exact way when he received the card for his daughter's wedding. 

"Mom and Dad would like all of you to join us for the wedding no matter the outcome," Yuvraj said searching his Father's face for answers. "We'll see," Harsh says leaving the invitation open-ended which told Yuvraj there could be multiple outcomes of this situation…. But he was  looking for only one "Dad I would like to take Avantika home"

Yuvraj said as he straightened his back and looked Harsh square in the eyes.

"And give me one good reason why should I LET you take her home?" 

"Because I love her," Yuvraj said without a blink of an eye or skipping a beat…. Both the men sitting in the room knew that there is a lot that Yuvraj could have said but none of the reasons were as good as what he had said and the more frustrating part for Mr. Majumdar was that it was nothing but the truth.

Love is the reason why Yuvraj came all the way over here with on company…. No friends, no family, no one to boost his ego, no one to tell him that everything was going to be okay, no one to talk sense into the minds of Harsh and his wife. There was on one pleading for Yuvraj's case just him and his love. 

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