Why are you hiding?

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At insane asylum for serial killers, year 2031
Jax and Quinn are roommates; Jax walks into the room to use the bathroom
Jax: startled Uhh, why are you hiding in the bathroom?
Quinn: rolls eyes Isn't obvious?
Jax: confused Well, no. I wouldn't have asked if it w-
Quinn: gets up quickly Ok, enough of that! Quinn drags Jax down to floor into his previous position You have to be quiet!
Jax: Why?
Quinn: rolls eyes again and sighs You ask so many questions!
Jax: frustrated Well I wouldn't need to if you told me what the hell we're doing!
Boys here a noise
Quinn: scared Crap! They found us!
Jax: W-what? Who?
Quinn: Pulls Jax into bathtub and closes the curtain.
Quinn: closes eyes 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10(underbreath) open eyes Jax?
Jax: raises one eyebrow Yeah?
Quinn: Shut the heck up!
Jax: flips him off, Quinn snorts
Quinn: Classy.
Jax: huffs Can you please tell me what's going on?
Quinn: First of all, saying please won't get you anywhere in my book, tw-
Boys hear bathroom door opening
Quinn: Oh fudge...
Jax: looking up Now i see the problem...
Quinn: Told you(underbreath)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2020 ⏰

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