visiting the high school

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ryder; *wakes up* ah today is monday *sadly*yay

ryder; *walks downstairs*   i'm going to the high school today mom

ashley; cool well have fun 

ryder; thanks mom well i have to go 

ashley; * kisses and hugs ryder* bye bye son

ryder;* opens door and walks outside*   ok school here we go

alexis;*walk up behind ryder* hello?

ryder; hey alexis *crys*

alexis; why so sad? 

ryder; um,... nothing just happy to see you

alexis; ok then?

ryder;  are you going to see the high school today?

alexis; yeah I am 

ryder; cool 

ryder; well * holds alexis paw* come on 

alexis; ok!

*10 min later*

ryder;* opens the school doors*   ok I will see you in a bit 

alexis; ok * hugs ryder*

ryder;*blushes*  bye * walk to class*

*2 hour later *

Ryder; it time !

alexis; yep 

ryder/alexis; *walks on the bus* 

alexis; ok pick a  seat

ryder; there * point at a  seat number 12*

alexis/ ryder;*sit downs*

ryder; ok well now what?

alexis; I don't know

ryder; ok then 

alexis; hey !! *hugs ryder*

ryder; *blushes*  huh? 

caleb; *sit downs in seat  number 13* hi ryder and alexis

ryder; bro hi 

alexis; hi caleb 

caleb; so what new?

ryder; um... she came over to my house that all? *blushes*

alexis; *look at ryder* Wait I did ? Oh yeah I did 

ryder; yes you did you met my dad *cries*

alexis;  yes I did were is he? he back  right ?

ryder; no he pass away 

alexis; oh my god i'm sorry ryder *kisses ryder cheek*

ryder; thanks alexis

bus driver; all right were here 

ryder/alexis/caleb; Yay*runs off the bus* 

alexis; *look back* um where's  dallas and destiny and caleb girlfriend?

Caleb; What? I don't have a girlfriend your cazzy 

alexis; geez I was joking 

 caleb; sure  

ryder; well ok bro

*10 min later*

ryder; * runs into dallas* sorry bud

dallas; ow what the hell

dallas; oh it you guys 

ryder; yep 

dallas; wait what are you doing here your not in high school yet your in 8th right?

ryder; yeah we are 

destiny ;*flys over * hi you guys 

alexis; destiny!!! * hugs* 

destiny ; I misses you guys so much

ryder/alexis; same 

destiny ; well I can show u guy around

ryder/alexis/caleb; ok!!! 

Caleb;*thinking* I wish she was here .

ryder; is there band here?

destiny; yes?

alexis; cooking class?

destiny;  yes 

caleb; computer class ?

destiny;  yes 

ryder/alexis/caleb;  yay!!!

*bell rings*

destiny; well time for u guy to go bye bye*hugs ryder and alexis*

alexis/ryder; bye you guys 

caleb;  shit why?

ryder; never mind bro

caleb; ok 

*back at school*

ryder; hey alexis

alexis; what?

ryder; there something I need to tell you 

alexis; what is it?

ryder; um... 

caleb; tell her or I well

ryder; caleb like someone

Caleb; What NO?

ryder; just kidding um..

alexis;  ok tell me

ryder; I want u too be my... 

alexis ; someone for prom next year?

ryder; yeah *kisses and hugs alexis*

alexis: I love  you

 ryder ; I love u too 

alexis: *hugs ryder*

alexis: *hugs ryder*

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