Chapter 1

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Skylar's POV

Sooo I guess I should get this started huh? Well my name is Skylar Santana and I am turning 21 on the 4th of December. I have long brown hair that's wavy. I have hazel eyes. I am 5’9. Yes I know I’m tall, but you can’t blame me.

I live in London, with my “mum” (yes she is not really my mum, because I’m adopted) any who... Let’s continue. I love animals, but I can never have one, because my oh so lovely mother is allergic (yes that was sarcasm)

I am not a brainy person but I do get about a 70/80% average. I go to this really interesting academy. People joke about it and say it is an academy for spies. Haha how right are they. The academy is for only a selected few in London. The agency that owns that academy was called A.O.T (Agents of Today) My parents were agents at the agency and apparently one of the best. The academy’s name is South Peters Youth Academy (S.P.Y. Academy) A/N see what I did there *wink wink*

Unfortunately my parents died on a mission. Nobody knows how. It happened when I was 7 years old, so I can remember a bit of them. Not allot though.

I’ve been at this academy since I was seven, but they wanted me to grow up with a mother, because they feel all girls should have a mother figure. HA. No thank you. I don’t need this shit from her. She is, well was also an agent at A.O.T. but became jealous of my parents. How do I know that? Every time I mentioned them about being the best agents. Well she had this permanent scowl on her face, but every time I talk about their death she smirks. I mean come on!

I wouldn’t be surprised if she was behind this. Once I’ve turned 21 I’m moving out of that house and I am going to live at the academy.

So I’m betting you are probably wondering how did she get in at such a young age? Ok well, remember when I told you that my parents were the best agents there was? Well my dad thought that I should start learning all the stuff about being an agent at a young age. So he taught me himself since I was five years old. And in those two years I have mastered all sorts of fighting methods. I am now a proud black member in karate. And guess what! I also did gymnastics till I was like, 14.

I am now proud to say that I am one of the best students in SPY Academy. I’m not bragging I’ve just been told that. There are people from different ages all over the world there. An agent has to retire once they’ve turned 40. I don’t really know why.

This is like a normal school where we have to go to classes and study like normal people, but we just have 5 extra classes. Naming: Practical (meaning you have to go into a mission, depending what level you are), Technical (learning how to de-activate a bomb or how to create one, how to create a virus or a program, ect ect), Hand combat (you fight without any weapons and only use your hands), Weapon combat (you learn how to fight with knives, guns, ropes, ect ect), Make-up (you have to learn how to create a good disguise).

Each of these classes is an hour long. Which means we start regular school from eight in the morning till two o’clock in the afternoon. Then we have our extra classes that end at seven in the evening.

At this academy we do our school years until you have turned 18, but after that you have to continue for an extra three more years where they only concentrate on those five classes I’ve told you about.

I was brought out of my thoughts when my, oh so lovely mother scolded me. “Why in the name of hell aren’t these dishes done? You my dear child are an ungrateful brat!” She said the dear child with so much wonderful sarcasm. Most of the people think I’m mean to her and that I am an ungrateful brat. Why you might ask? Well, because when there are people around she acts like this angel sent from heaven and doesn’t raise her voice or anything, BUT once it’s just me and her. Let’s just say then you’ve witnessed the devil yourself.

I wanted to give her a witty reply, but just as I was about to say something, my bloody phone rang just splendid!

I turned to the she devil and said, “I don’t have time to fight with your sorry ass, now if you would excuse me, mother.” I said that last part with so much venom and hate; it didn’t even surprise me anymore. She then had the audacity to give me a smirk. The nerve of that woman!

I quickly left the room and saw the number. It was the agency. Great, just bloody great! I answered immediately. “Agent Santana”

“Ahh Agent Santana, good morning to you.” I recognized that voice. It was the head of the agency, Mr Brussel.

“Good morning sir. What would you like for me to do for you this morning?” I asked him, knowing he always wanted something or he had a mission for me when he calls. He never calls to just say ‘hi, I’m just checking to see if you’re still alive and weren’t killed by my enemies’ but nooo. He is too much of a big shot. Bloody boss thinks he is so high and mighty and – ok I should probably stop ranting. Yeah that is wise. Ooh listen big shot wants to say something... “Always straight to the point I see. Why would I ask you to do something? Maybe I just wanted to know how my star agent is doing?” he says defensive. There was a moment of silence. I was waiting for the punch line. Wait for it... Wait for itttt.... And NOW.... “OK ok you know me to well.” I was smirking when I heard this. “And you Missy should stop smirking, let’s get back to business shall we?” Damnit he knows me to well... I mumbled a silent yes sir. He started off “You, my dear child, are going to be working undercover as a personal assistant, for one of America’s top billionaires...”

With that he hung up...

Ok this can’t be too hard, right? I just have to pretend to be a PA for two to three months. I’m probably going to be protecting this guy’s ass. Hmm I wonder if he is one of those creepy old guys... Probably..... (Sigh)

A/N well uhh... that was chapter one? *scratches head and doesn’t know what to say*

Well please do tell me what you think? And remember no hatin :/;)

Lotsa love

C xoxox

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