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chris pov

When I woke up in the hospital I see my mom, my sister, tray'vion, and the rest of the gang the doctor came in and gave me my discharge papers and they asked me a few questions and then i went to check on my bae once I saw her I broke down I couldnt stand to see her hooked up to all types of wires so I held her hand and cried in her lap the she held my hand back aND I hugged her tight then all of a sudden she started shaking like crazy and the monitors started going crazy so then called the doctor in here they check her and said she was in a coma and they said that she has a broken leg and she might wake up in a week or two they werent sure so then i lost it

When I woke up in the hospital I see my mom, my sister, tray'vion, and the rest of the gang the doctor came in and gave me my discharge papers and they asked me a few questions and then i went to check on my bae once I saw her I broke down I could...

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pretend its nari

nari coma p.o.v.

all i remember is the accident then I got rushed to the hospital and a lot was going on the I blacked out and I saw my granny and papa and I just broke down into their arms I wanted to stay with them so bad but I couldn't they said I had to go home i begged them then it turned black again and I fell asleep but I heard chris and I felt his hands so I held it back and I tried to wake up but I couldn't so I panicked then it was getting hard for me to breath.....

One Week Later..

Chris p.o.v.

I was heartbroken and I went to go see Nari I'm about to go see her right now just me here goes nothing..

At the hospital

I got there and i went to her room and just held her and cried then all of a sudden i felt her grip my hand i looked and her eyes were fluttering trying to get used to the light so I called the doctor they came and asked questions and stuff and then they told her her condition 

Dr.Wilson: Nari you are lucky you survived you were in a coma for a week and you have a broken leg so you will have to use crutches and we can get your release paper right after this quick check up all I need you to do is follow the light without moving you head ... okay now do yall have any questions comments or concerns?                                                                      Nari: was the other person in the accident hurt?           Dr.Wilson: No sadly it was a hit and run and according to the traffic cameras it look like some was following yall and found a way to hit yall where it would hurt bad.                                                         Nari, Chris, her mom, her dad, and the gang all ;look at each other as if they knew something...

Nari p.o.v. 

So we got home and im so happy I got hella gifts and snacks and so Me and chris found a way to get up to my room with this broken leg and chris damn near live with me my mom and my dad

to be continued...

sorry if it looks weird im doing this on my computer instead of my phone and im to lazy to go back and fourth and im sorry for not updating but ive been very busy but imma try to gegt back on my grind

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2020 ⏰

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