Chappy 5: Joining a Club

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When Honoka and the other members of Muse with the exception of Umi and Maki- came to visit the Student council's office, their president immediately searched for a bluenette but was disappointed instead

"Kaichou! We have 5 members, can we form a club?"

"I'm sorry but we can't let you form one."

Kotori tried not to lose her composure, Rin and Hanayo frowned in confusion, while Honoka was trying to not show how upset she was when they obviously met the requirement

"Until the idol research club is standing, we can't let you." The blonde president said

They explained that too many clubs have been established already and reached the limit that the council would not be able to support the organization and their activities

"The club that was mentioned only has one member though, why don't you all try and talk to her?" Nozomi suggested

Maybe there is still hope for them after all

"Maybe you can talk to the President of the idol research club and merge both clubs."

"Not a bad idea, fuku-kaichou!" Honoka said and bowed, the rest did the same and soon let themselves out the room

Once they were out, Eli looked at the girl beside her

"You're planning something, aren't you?"

Nozomi shrugged her shoulders and continued assorting the papers she's almost through with infront of her, "What gave you that idea?"

"Nozomi," Eli sharply said her name. "You have that certain look on your face whenever you want something. What is it?"

"Don't worry about it, I'm just a concerned senpai and friend."

Eli decided to just let it be since she knows she won't get anything more from her

"Hey, Elicchi," Nozomi looked at the card she's currently holding. "It was such a shame that Umi-san wasn't with them, huh."

Eli absentmindedly answered, "Yeah..." She realized what she said and quickly covered her mouth

"My my, missing her?"

"Harasho! How the topic switched to me so suddenly is beyond me...!"

And since the Bluenette's busy, the other members of Muse decided to go ahead and meet with the president of the idol research club

They arrived infront of the club room, knocked a few times but no one answered

Unbeknownst to them that a black haired senpai was by the corner looking at them with a frown

"Let's go back tomorrow and try our luck. Maybe she'll be here."

"Yup, and since it's dismissal time, let's go somewhere to eat together!" Honoka exclaimed happily with Rin right behind her

"Agreed nyaa~"


Umi kept her eyes on the target as she swiftly let go of the string of the bow

The arrow pierce the center, she smiled in triumph, then took another bow from her quiver

She lifted the curved piece of wood and was ready to continue when the wooden doors of the archery hall flew open. Startling her greatly, there stood a solemn looking honoka while panting slightly, the others following closely behind

"Umi-chan! We need to go, it's an emergency!"

Honoka now has this panic-stricken look on her face that made Umi nervous, already listing all possible scenarios that must have happened while she wasn't with them

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