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(Marc's POV)

I woke up three hours after to a smell of my favorite food, macaroni. I darted up and rushed towards the smell, the smell leading me to the kitchen where my mother stood. "Mom?" I called out, she turned towards me with a warm and loving smile.

"Hello Marc! I'm having the new family in town come have dinner with us so, go clean up!" She exclaimed, my eyes widened. I never liked when people came over who I didn't know. The only people who came to his house were; Alix, Marinette, Adrien and Nathaniel.

"Wh-Who are they?" I asked anxiously. She just chuckled, probably due to my obvious anxiety. "They are The Couffaine family." She states, I just sighed and nodded. "Okay well, I'll get ready.. What time are they coming over?" I asked, "they will be here in fifteen minutes so, hurry up." She said, turning back to her cooking.

I walked up the stairs, my thoughts running rapidly as I took every step carefully. 'Who is this family?' I thought to myself, 'will they be nice?' I kept asking myself in my head. "No, Marc, stop over-thinking this! They will only be here for an hour or so then, it will be over with." I reassured myself.

I took in a deep breathe and then began to get ready in my usual clothing. My red jacket, rainbow tye dye shirt, skinny jeans, a black chocker and black fingerless gloves. Once I was done getting ready my mom called me down. I rushed down and saw the guests were here.

There were three of them; a seemingly middle aged woman, a teen boy and a teen girl who seemed to be siblings.

The middle aged woman was decked with hippie and rock themed attire. She had grayed hair that was pulled back into a pony tail.

The teen boy was rather taller than the woman and including me. He had Black and blue hair, a semi-dark blue jacket, a white shirt with a logo of some sorts, beautiful blue eyes, and black painted nails like mine.

The teen girl looked like the boy but, she was maybe an inch shorter. She had black hair with side bangs that had a purple streak in it. She had some type of black shirt, purple ripped jeans that were ripped at the knees and haze-lish brown eyes.

I was somehow entranced in the atmosphere of an intense Alpha aura that made me shudder. I sensed it was coming from the attractive boy, I was hoping it wouldn't trigger my first heat. My mother noticed the silence and finally decided to speak up, "why don't you three introduce yourselves to my son and his father?" She asked.

The middle aged woman only nodded and stood up straight, a soft smile falling upon her face. "Hello young Omega, my name is, Anarka Couffaine. It is a pleasure to meet you." She introduced in a forced soft tone. "My name is Luka Couffaine. I am hoping we can be great friends." He said, patting my shoulder. His voice made my heart jump.

"Oh come on Luka, back off of him so your sister can introduce herself!" Anarka said with a laugh. He only nodded, before he turned back he winked at me. Once he went back to his original spot his sister spoke up. "Hello, my name is Juleka Couffaine." She introduced, I only gave a simple smile.

My mom's expression lightened. "Marc, bring Luka up to your room so the adults can have adult time." She said, I nodded and brought Luka with me to my room.

(I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Yes, I will have a hint of Marc x Luka but, it's according to the plot so, it won't last long. Anyways, I hope you all liked this and goodnight my lovelies!)

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