As the woman greeted his senior whose at an awe right now, her beauty can't even covered by the night. Indeed she's like a star that can shine even at night thought her senior.
"O-oh hi Seulgi n-noona" the shy boy said and bow to her and the woman did it too the mood suddenly became so awkward for them but Jungkook won't let his chance be ruined so he's the one leading the conversation.
"Uh it's pretty awkward right?" the girl just nodded and flash a smile to him and the guy smiled back.
"Where are you going tho? It's pretty late and paparazzi might be following you. You should put your mask on." no hint of shyness can be heard in his voice, it was just jungkook being him and being concern.
"I just took a late night walk since it was already a part of my routine whenever i have a free time, and about the paparazzi they already given up to me because they already know what i'm doing out in dorm so they just let me" seulgi chuckles and so does jungkook, if someone is looking at them that person will probably think they're cute because of their height difference and jungkook having a well built body made seulgi look even small.
"I think it's getting cold here, how-" jungkook was cut by seulgi answering her phone. not a good timing jungkook thought. "Okay I'll be back nooow" seulgi said before hanging up.
"So that means ur going home"
"Oh yes sunbae"
"Don't call me sunbae, ur older than me just call me by my name when we meet with no cameras on, noona" jungkook said with his gentle voice which made seulgi heart moved by his kindness.
"Oh and be careful, i want walk you home but i'm scared maybe some paparazzi is following us and i don't want to put you on the tough spot. Maybe i can give you my number so u can just message me if you get home safe and if something happen on ur way at home u can hit me up." Seulgi was amaze how gentleman jungkook is and jungkook was not taking advantage of this moment just to know her number, he is really worried.
Seulgi said she was fine with it and gave her phone to jungkook so he can save his number in her phone.
"I'm going now jungkookshi" she bid goodbye to his sunbae and walk away but then jungkook ran to her. "Hey drink this milk on ur way at home, and be careful." jungkook handed his fave milk that was on his hoodie pocket and they finally walk away from each other with a smile on their a face.
Jungkook acted just like what he is, he did not expect how calm he is while they were talking of course it's really hard to maintain yourself especially when your in front of the person you like.
Jungkook went back to his brother apartment parking and drove back to his dorm, while on the other side Seulgi is drinking the milk Jungkook gave to him. With a smile on her face, she just want to be home right now because she want to share this to her Wendy.
I'm finally back at my room and all of my members are sleeping can't wait to share what happen at the park to wendy, how can a guy be that kind. I can be considered as stanger to him, he's a great guy :>
I looked at my phone and just remembered to message him! What should i write? Aye I shouldn't be thinking about this too much.
I tap the send
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and turn off my phone.
I should sleep now.
Jungkook just parked his car and saw a message from an unknown number and it was a message from her crush. "My day is already complete". Both having a smile on their face, and this day was the beginning of them.