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"Tumblr and Reddit, you're always fighting. Go home before you get into any more trouble. If I see you fighting again you'll be in detention every afternoon this week," the teacher warned the two.

They got kicked out of class, with the door slamming in their faces.

On the way to their homes they passed a door with a sign outside


"Should we go in, Tumblr?" Asked Reddit.
"I'm not so sure," his friend replied. "Do you think our parents would like it?"
"Who cares about them? If we join the army we'll be able to fight!"
"Hmm.. I guess so. Yeah. Let's give it a go!"


"Hello, we'd like to join the army."
"We're looking for the smartest and bravest apps on the planet. Are you smart and brave?" Someone asked.
"I'm the bravest app on the planet," remarked Reddit.
"And I'm the smartest," added Tumblr, looking smug. "But why do you want apps joining the army?"

"We've picked up a message from outer space. Evil aliens from the planet Casïssa are planning to invade earth. We need to find the smartest and bravest apps on the planet to fight them."
"Why apps? Why not humans?" Asked Tumblr.
"Apps are much smarter than humans, and much braver as well. Humans are scared of aliens, you know."
"What do you think, Reddit? Should we join?"
"Sounds a lot more fun that school, so yeah I guess."
"If you want to join the army you must come here every week after school. But, whatever you do, don't tell any humans about the aliens."
"We'll see you next week, then!" Said Reddit.


"I've just thought of something, Reddit. We need an excuse for why we're late home from school."
"I know! We'll tell our parents we've joined the chess club. Chess is a nice quiet game, they would probably like that."

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