Chapter 1

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A famous man once said "We create our own demons." What does that mean? I have no idea, the point is I said cause he said it.... Okay, that was lame. Let me start from the beginning. November 2, 1999, life sucked big time.

I look at myself in the jail cell mirror. I don't recognize the 15 year old girl staring back at me. She's ginger with almond- shaped eyes. They're brown, but the similarities stop there. This new girl is caked with mud and has a bloody scar down the left side of her face. She moves as I move, she speaks as I speak.

"Snap out of it Miranda," I say. I have to stay strong for my little brother, Joey. He's the only family I have left. Someone screams and I hear raged breathing coming from somewhere close by.

"Joey come on we have to go now," I say frantically, but he doesn't budge. I grab his hand and he follows me reluctantly through a gaping hole in the wall. As I scramble down the rough wooden planks, I hear a sickening crunch. The board under Joey cracks in half and my only family plunges into the oblivion beneath us. This is no time to grieve, especially with brain-hungry zombies following me. I reach the last board and collapse onto the ground and start weeping uncontrollably.

"Hey," says a voice off to my right. I turn my head and see two bright eyes peering out of the bush beside me. I jumped out of my skin when I saw the bush with eyes. It shook and a boy that looked about my age stepped out.

"Who are you?" I ask suspiciously

"How do I know your not a zombie?" he asks and starts laughing at what was apparently supposed to be a joke. "I'm kidding. My name is Tony."

"I'm Miranda," still not sure whether to trust Tony or not. "How can you be laughing and cracking jokes at a time like this?"

"There's no one left that I love," he replied sadly. I decided to trust Tony, but I would keep an eye out for any sort of danger or threat he posed.

Weeks went by and I was still just me and Tony. We had become closer, but we were nothing more then friends. Day after day went by. Some days we were running from zombies from dawn until dusk and other days we just hung out and searched for food.

One day I was out looking for food that wasn't rotting vegetables and I found something incredibly repulsive. In the middle of a field, there was an enormous cow lying on it's side making noises that sounded like........hell, a dying cow. This was on of the times I wished I was invisible. It was just one of those stupid little kid dreams, but it made me happy to know that I had had a happy child hood where I had dreams other then surviving another day. As I got closer to the cow, I heard another sound. This was a noise I recognized as soon as I heard it. There would appear to be a zombie killing the cow slowly on the other side of the rotting carcass. It must have scented me because a head with a greenish tint appeared appeared above the cow. The zombie stood up and loped over to where I was standing frozen in fear. As it came nearer, I had the sense to yell for Tony.

"Tony, Tony!" I screamed as loud as I could. "Tony, To-." The creature lunged at me and I tried to duck. It missed my head, but it's fangs caught in the lower part of my right arm. I let loose a blood-curdling shriek that shook the forest around me. This caused the zombie to release my arm and limp away, but my arm was badly damaged. I lay down on the hard ground and cried about...well, just about everything in my life. I was bleeding out and I could do about as much as a dying person could do.

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