Chapter 4

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So M had wings. That was a new twist in life. I thought about how she would have gotten the wings while I finished the scraps of cow. She was sleeping nearby, curled up using her wings as a blanket.

"What are we going to do?" I thought aloud. M had broken her ankle running from a mob of zombies now she couldn't walk. At least she had other ways of moving, but flying wasn't as effective as walking. She twitched in her sleep and winced as she jerked her ankle. Maybe we could just find a place to live in quiet.

Later, when she was finally awake, I brought up the suggestion of running away from all this and finding a place to live.

"Like just us?" she inquired. I nodded. "I'd like that," she decided. After a wonderful breakfast of absolutely nothing, we went out to explore. There were few places that were still in one piece and all of them were to close to places we had found zombies.

"What if we lived in a tree house?" she suggested and before I could respond, she flew away. I tried to catch her, but she was way to fast. After about an hour, I was sure I had lost M for good. The only thing I could think to do was slump down against a tree and cry. There was officially no one left that mattered to me and I was completely alone.

I decided that I should just go back "home" and wait.

"M, M!" I yelled. No sign of her and it was getting dark. The hole in the wall looked like a warm, cozy place compared to what was out here. I slowly climbed up the wooden boards and crawled through the hole. I sat back against the wall and surveyed the room. No one was here.

"How long is it going to take you to notice me?" said a voice from the shadow in the corner of the room. I looked over in that direction, but I still couldn't see anything. Then M stepped out of the shadows and ran towards me, well limped towards me. She threw her arms around my neck and whispered "I thought I had lost you." She looked, tears falling down her cheeks, but she was smiling. She kissed me and everything horrible just disappeared for that short time.

"I found us a place to live," she announced proudly. "That's what I was doing all day. Then I went back to the spot I had left you and you weren't there. I must have searched the whole forest, but I couldn't find you. I thought you were dead."

The next morning, M took me to see the tree house she had been creating. It really was amazing. She gave me a tour and I decided that it would be nice to live here. I helped her out the finishing touches on and that was where we would live for years.

Three years later, we were still living in the treehouse. Everything was back to normal. The world was populated with humans instead of zombies and all the houses and other buildings that had been destroyed were fixed again. Even though we could live anywhere, we still lived in this tree house. M woke up screaming in the night about something.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing," she replied. "It was just a dream."

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