Persuasive letter - 5G

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Dear ____

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am an eighth grade student form bayview hill elementary school and I want to express my growing concerns about the new 5g network. As you may know, 5g is a big step up from 4g, although that may not be the case. From concerns about national security to public health and safety, it looks like I'm not the only one who's troubled.

As 5g uses a lower frequency on the spectrum, the network cannot go long distances due to the low frequency. This need for speed will be the cause for hundreds to thousands of new cell towers to be built all around our cities. Although that may seem that you will have cell service everywhere, there is also a tremendous downside to it. Have you ever had a headache due to staring at a screen for too long, or being under fluorescent lights? That headache was caused by the radiation oozing out of our screens and lights. The radiation coming from all the new cell towers and newly launched satellites will come to be 30% - 40% over the current safe limit. The Canadian annual safe radiation limit is 1 mSv; this means that with 5g, Canadians will be exposed to nearly 1.5 mSv. Too much exposure to radiation can cause all sorts of problems. Gene mutation, developing cancer and lowered life expectancy are just some of the problems that come with too much exposure to radiation. There will be so much radiation enveloping the globe that even the Sahara desert will feel the affects of the radiation! Having more satellites will be opportunities for mishaps with the internet.

If the internet were to go down, the cities, even the whole country would go into chaos! The driverless cars would go haywire due to them heavily relying on the cell towers around the roads. This would cause calamity on the roads and would lead to pileup-car accidents or even deaths of drivers and pedestrians. Homeowners that rely on 5g to make sure that their house is secure would experience several problems from doors not being locked to having troubles with basic household items once the "internet of things" is released. Even without the internet going down, there are still several security concerns.

With more and more people using the internet, surely the parliament is going to have a digital data base for its information. That may seem great as it'll be easy to access for you but that also means that it'll be easier for hackers to access too. Since everything is on the internet, a hacker would be able to know everything about you - from your favourite colour to your social security number. They would also be able to stop things from happening. It could be stopping your fridge from talking to you microwave to doors not being locked.

Throughout this letter I have explain the dangers and harms of 5G. Once it is rolled out, it will never be stopped. I implore you to consider my concerns when deciding whether or not to roll out with 5G. Thank you for taking your time to read this letter.


~ Oranges

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