Chapter:7 Cross My Heart

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Miles head over to the scene. He checked for a pulse. Luckily, it's there but fading. Flora got worried sick and started weeping all over her.

Miles: I'll carry her in.

Flora: Will she be ok?

Miles: Of corse. I wouldn't let anything happen to her.

He picked her up bridal style and heads downstairs to the family emergency room. He lies her on the table then orders his little sister to get Medical items. She did as she was told for at a very young age then gathers up the items in the bathroom and in the next five seconds, she came back.

Miles examined the wound to where she fell. He properly lays down all the medical equipment on a metal table then turns on the light to see. Flora waits upstairs to the family room as Miles begins working on his patient. He cleans the wound then made sure to fix any damage to her head. He stitched them up and wraps them in bandages. Then took her in the family unit room for recover.

Flora, drifts to sleep waiting for results to come up. When her brother finished, he came upstairs to make the announcement.

Miles: Surgery went well. She'll be alright. She's in recovery if you wanna see her.

Flora eagerly heads over to the family unit room. She stays there waiting for her to wake up. When Ashley finally regained back consciousness, she was visited by her and her brother.

Miles: Welcome back!

Flora: I missed you so much!

Flora gave Ashley a hug.

Miles: Easy there sis! She needs to recover.

Flora smiles then looks up at her.

Flora: Promise you won't leave?

Despite of all the hard times she had had with the children; Ashley couldn't resist on breaking a little girls promise.

Ashley: Yeah. I promise.

Flora: Promise promise?

Ashley: Cross my heart and hope to die.

Flora: Stick a needle in your eye?

Ashley: Yeah.

She smiles as Flora did the same thing. Miles walks out of the room with a smile on his face as well. He was happy. Very happy that she is ok again.

More to come soon! Be patient!

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