10. The banging of doors

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The next day was uneventful, just the way everyone liked it. Y/n was on edge but with every peaceful hour that passed, he relaxed.

After the second day of peace, they wrote the sound off as some strange auditory hallucination. They were probably tired. They must have been tired.

A knocking sound resonated through the sitting room and Jin went to answer the door. A minute passed a Jin returned with a confused expression.
"Who was it?"
Jimin asked.
"There wasn't anyone there."
"Maybe it was a prank or something."
Hoseok tried to calm everyone, the air suddenly feeling more tense.

An hour later the door went again. The boys shared a glance before Jin and Hoseok went to answer it.

"No one is there."
"Who could be knocking then? It's got to be some kids who are running off when you go to the door."
Jin was not accepting Namjoon's answer but he sat back down in his seat and tried to continue as if nothing happened.

The boys were watching tv, changing the channels until they found something they liked.
"A storm warning has been issued. People have been advised to stay in their homes until it passes. With the extreme winds already leaving people without power, experts say this could be the worst storm we have seen in decades. Stay tuned for more updates."
The thought of a storm only added to the unease they all felt. The power going out would be the last thing they needed.

The door knocked for a third time and Namjoon went with Jin to prove a point.

A minute later the two men ran back into the room, gasping for air.
"There's a man trying to get in. We need to lock all the doors and windows."
Jin rushes out between shaky breaths. Namjoon continued to gasp for air and they all looked at him with concern.
"Jin I don't think that's a man."
Y/n seemed to know what Namjoon meant and looked at him with tear filled eyes.
"Namjoon please don't say that."
His voice came out shaky and quiet.
"It's him, Y/n. I know it is."
The group looked at the Namjoon and Y/n, not understanding what they were talking about.

A loud tapping came from the window. A face was pressed against the glass. His eyes were wide and his lips were turned up in a sickening smile. Y/n let out a cry of fear as he grabbed on to the nearest person, Jungkook. Every one of his fears became reality in that moment. It was his father, someone he thought had long since moved on.

"Call the cops!"
Jin screamed at no one in particular.
"What are the cops going to do about a ghost Jin?! We should call Jennie."
"We can't."
Tae grabbed everyone's attention.
"The line is dead. The storm has probably taken out one of the telephone wires. We can't call the police. We can't call Jennie. We. Are. Trapped."

Y/n was sobbing into Jungkook's shoulder, Jimin behind him, rubbing his back in an attempt to calm the terrified boy.

Hoseok spoke quietly.
Namjoon yelled at the boy. He wasn't angry at Hobi but the fear and frustration he felt was making him angry.
"If he's a ghost, doesn't that mean he can pass through walls and doors as he pleases?"

A deafening silence fell over the room. Hoseok was right.

A deep, sinister chuckle came from by the front door...

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