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   Thomas has bagged me and Vence and dragged us upstairs. Muffled and grunts came from the other side of the room. I struggle against my restraints but it only gets tighter around my wrists and ankles.
   "Oh how rude! Please unbag them." The black bag was ripped off my head and my eyes water from the light. When my eyes adjust I see all over them lined up across the mass room.
   "Now tell me where are the twins?" Thomas ask while ripping out the rag from my mouth. I show him no emotions. I stared at Christian and I can see him trying to keep his cool.
   Thomas grabbed my face and forced me to look at him. I spit in his eyes and bit his finger.
   "You bitch!" Thomas slaps me sending a soaring pain across my cheek. Tears blanket my eyes but I don't lift my head up. I could hear Max, Tyler and Chris grunting.
   I lift my head up and let the tears fall but I show no emotion. Thomas snaps his fingers and points a gun at my head. His guards remove the rags from their mouths and they struggle.
   "Where are the twins?! Or she dies?!" I plead with them not to say anything. My eyes glistening as I feel Thomas press the barrel harder against my skull.
   "Let her go Thomas. It's obliviously me you want." Dustin says pleadingly
   "DONT FUCKING PLEAD NOW! I begged you to stay and be mine but you left for that red head bitch!" That ticked a nerve as Dustin clenches his jaw.
   "Thomas." I whisper
   "You were right. You aren't gay anymore but please don't hurt them or my kids. I love you." Shocked faces filed the room besides Thomas.
   "Do I look like a fool to you!!" He bellowed
   "I'll prove it to you." I muttered trying to hide my disgust. He stepped in front of me with the gun at my heart. I leaned in slowly dreading this decision every second and kissed his lips. He looks at me with shock before motioning to the guards.
   The first guard throws him a knife which he catches swiftly. When he bent down to release me I looked at Chris, betrayal fills his eyes and are replaced by anger.
   I mouth 'Im sorry. Take care of the kids for me'. Fear then coats his eyes.
   Thomas unties me completely and I kiss him harder than the last time. I grabbed the bomb trigger from my pocket and press the button in-front of my crew.
   The guards shout and I knew Thomas dead in the balls. I managed to steal the knife from him and I tossed it at Christian's ropes setting his hands free.
   "RUN! I'll guard your six!" I started to fight the guards to keep them off Christian who was freeing the others. Once they were all free we be-lined for the stairs. We were almost to the bottom before. My foot got stuck in the wires around the vacuum and Vence turned around to get me.
   "Get out of here the bomb is going to go off I'm right behind you!" He hesitates but soon takes off. I rip the cords from my ankle and sprint down the hall only to meet two guys.
   'One minute! Hurry up Emily!' Tyler tells in my ear piece I rip it out my ear and prepare to fight.

   I held my face as I ran out the house.  I ran out just in time to hear to the last tick of the bomb. The heat burned my back and I fall face first on the driveway.
   When I look up everyone is on the ground from the impact. I put my arm up only to be kicked down. A heavy boot stepped on my burns and I let out a piercing yelp.
   "Let her go Thomas! It's over!" Chris groaned while standing up. My back soars as he pushes down harder. Tears fill y eyes and I shake beneath him.
   "GIVE ME A REASON WHY I SHOULDN'T KILL HER!" Dustin steps forward and places his gun on the ground.
   "Because you won't. Thomas, listen to me, you are so much better than this. She has two kids who love her. Don't do this to them."
   "FUCK YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!" A loud bang and ringing crowded my hearing. The weight on my back was lessened and I attempt to scoot away.
   "Emily!" The yell sounded like it was underwater. Two firm sets of hands hoisted me up and wrapped my arms around them. Sleepiness crowded my senses but I force myself to stay awake.
   "W-what h-happened." I groaned as they laid me in the car. Dustin sat with me to keep me off my back. I saw his blurry face pull into a frown.
   "I killed him in order to save you. Thats all that matters."
   Thomas was dead. I wanted to be the one to kill him but then again he caused Dustin more pain than anyone. I began to feel my head dip and in a sudden motion, Dustin laid my head on his shoulder.
   "Go to sleep we'll be home soon." I let my eyes close fully and slowly slip into the darkness of my dreams.
   I woke up to multiple loud bangs on the front door. I groan in annoyance and jump up off the bed not caring if I wake up Christian who was sleeping beside me.
   I walked down the stairs, my feet padding against the floor. I get to the door and swing it open not ready to face the truth I saw. My mother and father stared worried before they engulfed me in a hug.
   "Oh honey where have you been?! We almost called the cops we have to hurry and go before they wake up." She pulls my arm but I don't budge.
   I stared at her with a blank face. How could she just pretend like everything was right in the world. I let my emotions show and she let go of me.
    "Mother." Horror covered my mom's face as she looked at the stairs. Max, Zach, Dustin, Judith, Vence, Isle, Tyler and Sam all stood on the stairs looking down at us.

Well shit

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