Am I Dreaming....?

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We raced out of the cafeteria,

" We gotta get out of school, before they catch us! " Nakura said.

" Wait! I need my stu- wait... we aren't criminals now are we?! " Shizuka asked.

" No, at least I don't think... I mean I only punched them. "

Nakura stopped in the hallway outside of the cafeteria and grabbed Shizuka's arm, Shizuka got pulled back.

" Just go home, the teachers probably won't even notice that we're gone for the rest of the day, now, go! "

Shizuka looked in Nakura's eyes and thought, she acts so different now...
Nakura starred at Shizuka and let her go and raced down the hallway, Shizuka just stood in place and starred at Nakura run down the hallway, she blinked which made her snap back to reality.

She went to her home room to get her belongings, when she got her stuff and exited the room checking to see if she got everything she heard someone's voice say

" Sh-Shizuka and Nakura d-did it! "

Shizuka's eyes widen and ran down the hallway to the front doors of the high-school, forgetting about her backpack.
She stopped before she reached for the doors and looked back, down the hallway.
Akuria walked out of the cafeteria and looked around, Shizuka looked back outside the window of the doors and wasted no time, she went out the doors and straight to the subway.

~~~~ 2 Minutes Later ~~~~

Shizuka arrived at the subway station, panting. She sat down on the benches that they have inside the station and rested, gaining her breath.

A couple minutes later the doors open, everyone that was waiting for the subway was now rushing onto it, leaving Shizuka one of the last ones on. She was squished against the sliding doors once again.

~~~~ 20 Minutes Later ~~~~

20 Minutes later and the doors opened, Shizuka didn't notice because her eyes was closed ready to fall asleep, the fell once again on the hard concrete. Right on her knees and hands.

" Agh, not again! "

Shizuka got up while people passed around her, just ignoring. She looked at her knee

" Great.... I've scraped it again... "
" Just Great! "

Shizuka picked up her sketchbook that was laying on the floor and started walking home.

~~~~ 2 Minutes Later ~~~~

Shizuka finally arrived at her home, she stopped at the door and looked down at her knee, blood was slowly sliding down from her leg from the scrape.
She opened the door and took off her shoes near the door, she started walking towards her small room but stopped and started walking backwards to the front door, she stopped in-front of the table next to the coat hanger, there was a mini glass vase with a dead plum flowers.

   She immediately got memories of her and her brother running through the fields with a couple wisteria trees, plum flowers all over the field.  She loved picking flowers for her papa and her mama, but as she got older she could barely see her parents anymore, they would be working at jobs that would take all of her time away from them, because they needed money. 

  Shizuka gazed at the flower for a couple of seconds and and walked away, to her bedroom.       She placed her sketchbook on her dresser and went to her bed and laid on her back looking up at the ceiling,  Shizuka's eyes started to tear up and what used to be a tear starts to be a river of tears. 

  " Why does my life have to be so hard! Please, I need someone who will help me!" Shizuka said screaming at her ceiling, while her tears were out of control.

Shizuka started to close her eyes.

" Please... "

Then Shizuka fell asleep.

Shizuka felt someone's voice faintly in the background, she felt someone shaking her arm. The persons voice got louder,

" Shizuka! "

" H-huh....? "

Shizuka opening her eyes, looking at a male leaning over Shizuka's face,


The male stepped back a couple steps, Shizuka sat up and starred at the male.

" W-who are you, and why are you in my room?!"

" Calm down! No need to yell! "

Shizuka was breathing fast, nervous, not knowing who this person is that is standing in her room. The male had short black hair with dark eyes, red jacket.
The male stepped closer and Shizuka held her breath.

" Y- you aren't my brother.... I know that. "

" No, I'm not your brother. Im your friend!"

I'm dreaming aren't I? Shizuka raises her hand to her cheek and slapped her cheek,

" Ow! "

" Hey, why did you do that!?"

The male went to Shizuka and she closed her eyes and rolled in a ball, the male grabbed Shizuka's hand and Shizuka opened her eyes, she sat normally and he put his hand on her cheek she slapped.

" Why did you hit yourself? "

Now he's touching me... am I being kidnapped? GREAT!

" Uh- "

Shizuka gulped, the male let go and pointed at her knee,

" You scraped your knee, there's dried blood. "

The male took out a bandage out from his jacket and unwrapped it,

" Here, I think this would help. "

He put the bandage on her knee, Shizuka looking at what he was doing was confused nice kidnapper?

" C'mon, your going to be late for school. "

The male reached out his hand at Shizuka, she didn't know what to do.

" How did you get in? " Shizuka asked.

He smiled.

" I've been with you, I put the other bandage on you, remember? "

" You did that?! " She said surprisingly.

Shizuka slowly raises her hand to take his, he grabbed it and pulled her off the bed. She got a close up view of him and she gasped.

" Wait... you look like my drawing I made! The one in my sketchbook! "

She ran to her dresser to get her sketchbook she flipped through the pages but didn't see the drawing.

" But it was here, I know it was! "

The male looked at Shizuka and she looked at him.

        " Shizuka, I am the drawing. "



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2020 ⏰

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