Opening Doors

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    I walked shakily down the street. What could he want with me? I was just a part of the Touhy Gang. I think I had heard that Capone was ticked at Touhy. Maybe he would give me lead poisoning and send me as a message not to mess Capone’s operation ever again.

    I looked up at the building. It was grand like it should be. Housing a man like that in it. It had big ol brunos acting as doormen on the marble steps leading up to the grand oak door. Should I talk to them like a secretary? What do I say? Whatever, I had coming it would be worse if I didn't show up at all.

I walked up uncertainly and looked around at both of them. They looked down at me. You could see their nationality in their faces, olive skin, big lips, large bell pepper noses and clean shaven faces. I had heard somewhere that italian men didn't have facial hair because they were afraid of looking like their mothers. I granted it was a joke, but  guess it was true.

“Baby Face Nelson?” one asked in a deep voice.

I nodded up at them. They both opened up a door for me and stood aside so I could enter.

I gulped and walked forward. Have they been expecting me? They knew my name. More importantly they knew my nickname. I hated that name, but my mother told me that if I had a nickname it meant they were endeared to me. Which if you broke it down, it meant they liked me.

I walked down the hall and up the stairs slowly. Maybe if I took long enough it would all just turn out to be a bad dream and if I missed a step I would just fall off my bed. I pinched myself hopefully, maybe I would startle myself out of a deep slumber. Nothing happened. I scowled and when I turned the corner and looked up at the last goon guarding the door. He glared right back at me making me cower slightly.

“Wipe that ugly look off your face kid!” he snapped as I climbed the last stair, “Look at Big Al like that he’ll fill you with sunlight, boy.”

“Sorry,” I said glancing down at my shoes. Spotless as usual, I smiled at this. At least my dead body would look good.

He opened the door and lead me through another set of hallways until we reached the opposite door. He opened it and stepped aside glaring at me. In front of me was a large polished red wood desk covered with luxurious office supplies. To the side was a round little table, clearly worn and rough. Three men sat around it, playing cards.

There was a large man with greased down black hair and a wide face. He had a smug smile on as he looked down at his hands, stacking his chips. The other was skinny with a small stature. Yet, he still looked extremely Italian with his bell pepper nose and thick neck. The last man had his back to me. He had broad shoulders, despite his a suite on you could tell his muscles rippled beneath.

I waited patiently while they finished their game. It might have just seemed that way but it appeared as if they were letting the man win.

“Here you go boss,” said the guy with his back facing me while he twisted out of his chair, “Take it out of my round won't ya.”

He left the room. The other guy looked to the man who had won the game. He waved his hand and the last man left. Leaving me with this big italian bruno with his greasy black hair and his smile that matched. He motioned for me to sit down. I pulled the chair toward me shakily. I focused on stopping my hand shaking. I glared at it and sat down as if warning it.

“Hows it goin kid?” Asked the big guy who i realized must be Al Capone.

“I've been better... Sir,” I added at the end.

“Oh?” he asked nonchalantly “Whys that?”

“Well, I've been called upon by Al Capone,” I said sheepishly “Look if this is something to do with Touhy. I don't know anything. I like you better anyway. I don't have any loyalty toward him.”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2012 ⏰

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