11 ᵗʰᵉ ⁱⁿⁿᵒᶜᵉⁿᵗ ᵒⁿᵉ | "Get to know me."

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*he has to be my favorite oc I've made*
Harvey Fletcher | 17 years old | Homosexual
Male (he/his/him) | 12th grader (Senior)
Canadian ( English ) | Human? [ depends ]

height 5'0 | Weight 110 | Light Blonde Hair
Hazel light green eyes | No tattoos/marks
Pale and sensitive skin | Various Earrings
Apparel: Harvey likes to have a very aesthetic fashion. He has his own sense of fashion that is unique compared to others. Harvey is a person who knows how to dress. If there was a award for best dressed, he would definitely win.

[ PERSONALITY + ATTITUDE ]Personality/Attitude: Harvey has a energetic personality

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Personality/Attitude: Harvey has a energetic personality. He isn't afraid to speak his mind out or disagree on things he doesn't believe in. Harvey is pretty feisty when he doesn't like someone—and will give them attitude if he needs to. He, however, when being with the ones that he loves, he is extremely caring and loving towards them. Harvey just has that unique personality that everyone wants to be friends with him.

Skills/Talents: Harvey loves to write. He is very good at describing vivid settings and emotions. Through his writing, he knows how to convey intense emotion that can literally tear out a readers heart. Harvey is also a very smart person, he has really high grades in school while also being in clubs such as the Poetry club, Student Council and apart of helping the football team.  Harvey knows how to balance his time.

Favorites/Likes: Harvey loves ice cream and anything sweet. Yes, he's a sweet tooth and enjoys candies and such. However, he does a great job with brushing his teeth that he's never had cavies before. He likes to hang out with his friends on his free time and is even down to go to parties.

Hobbies/Interests: Harvey's hobby is hockey. He has been playing hockey since he was small and knows how to play really good. He was even in a league. He stopped playing when he entered high school since he doesn't have that much free time anymore to do so.

Regular Routine: Harvey usually wakes up a hour before school to get dress and get breakfast. After that, he goes to school and doesn't come back home until late (it depends if he has to help at footballs). When he comes back home from school or a event, he spends the rest of his time doing homework and studying.

Philosophy of Life: Harvey believes that he is in control of his own life and no one else can have a say in it. He is very selfless and cares a lot about other people—which people find heart warming.

Past Occupations: Harvey used to work at a dinning place as a waiter but ended up quitting since he noticed that he couldn't handle the stress of school, club and work.

- Harvey is Vice President of Student Council in his school. This makes him very well known through the school. He has such a good personality that everyone loves him. Harvey is also Class ranked #5 in his senior class.
- He helps with the football team during season. He is always at the games making sure that the players are hydrated. Harvey is basically the water boy during the football games. He's in charge of refilling and helping those that are hurt during the game.
- Harvey wants to become a future nurse so he is working really hard in his studies to go to a good med school after college.

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